2nd day of class
one of the guys in the class is named Sirbrian. and it's pronounced Sir Brian. how cool is that. everyone seems really nice and ready to have some fun so hopefully it will be an awesome class.
we had to interview people in the beginning of class, we got assigned to people by numbers and i interviewed mike and eddie, well we all kinda interviewed each other. they both seem awesome too. mike likes soccer and eddie is an addiction counselor and just seems to have a really big heart, actually they both do. and i met this woman before class, her name is maria (there are 3 maria's in class and she is the only one who actually goes by maria) she is pretty awesome too (i know everyone is awesome, i need to learn new adjectives, too bad i packed my theasauraus already, well hell i guess i will have to get it out since i am in english) anyway. she works full time and goes to school on her lunch break and has a 6 month old baby. WOW. ya know i am damn lazy. lol. i would say i have it made but really i dont.
everyone else seems really great (sorry it was the best i could do, i actually had awesome there too and went back to change it) too, i just didnt get to actually talk to them. there's only 4 other girls in the class the three maria's (maria, julie and estella) and damn i cant remember the other woman's name. so i am pretty excited about this class too. can you tell?
oh and apparently i lost my license and alex the really terrific ;-D doorman, who nobody that comes to visit me likes cuz he actually does his job, had it. so it's all good. now i have to clean cuz i have a person coming to check out my apartment tomorrow and i have to read for psychology which i actually was reading some really interesting stuff that i will mention tomorrow maybe if ya'll are lucky. lol or unlucky whichever you prefer. i am bouncing off the walls!!