Wednesday, August 18, 2004

my name's elisha and i have an addiction

i have known for some time now that almost every magazine every month is exactly the same, so why do i feel the need to not only buy every one i can get my hands on but also keep them...all. well i guess some of them i do use the make up and hair tips, or well that's what i say, but seriously i am going to get subscriptions for my faves and then not buy any more, seriously. this time i mean it. i probably shouldnt even get a subscription to anything but O and that's cuz there's actually several good articles each month and not just one or none, but still i rarely read them i just browse through them and toss them aside, that's such a waste of money and paper and space. so here's my list

  1. O
  2. self
  3. glamour
  4. the artist's magazine
  5. the artist's sketchbook
  6. cosmo,

but really what's left after that. that's like 120 bucks a yr. but i do actually use the art magazines and i should probably add national geographic but i know glamour and cosmo are the same, and even self, they all have the same articles, well at least self has exercise stuff which i dont do, ok i will lose cosmo for national geographic, which will cost even more, but at least i will use it, i really should get rid of my self subsription but that is my comfort subscription, it's like my burt's bees lip balm, i have to have it. but the hard part will be not buying cosmo and all the other magazines i get, except the art ones that are not available through subscription, and i also need to pay my fees at the library, even though this library sucks, but oh well, that will give me an excuse to go down town, well besides school. and i will join the book club at this library, that would be cool. anyway i am done rambling for tonight, just had to get my addiction to magazines out there.

i need a new picture to work on, marisa thoroughly motivated me this morning. i need to get all the ones i have framed, but that will be expensive hopefully i can find some cheap white mats to fit and then some cheap simple black frames. shouldnt be too hard.

damn i forgot about jane, and lucky, and the nation, and ms, and *sigh* i am sad, ok here's my deal, i will get subscriptions to the ones i have already listed in the beginning and if after 6 months i am reading them all cover to cover almost every month and using the stuff i learn for things other than useless info to bug people w/ then i will order one of the above. probably jane or lucky, but i doubt it will happen (oh and i have to be tossing the magazines when i am done)


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