Friday, August 13, 2004

well keith is on his way to pick me up. he seems crabby, i think it's because he has already decided i am going to be crabby w/ him all weekend, cuz i was feeling bad from eating a chicken potpie. i need to get back to the shakes, i just feel so heavy eating all this bad food. i can not wait til tuesday and thursday yoga and wednesday pilates, ya know i always get up for pilates. it's amazing. i have a feeling i won't be getting any this weekend. that makes me sad. but i'm still gonna try....shamelessly. sunday keith has softball practice and then has to fight traffic to take me home, that does not make for a good getting some environment. i wonder if keith doesnt want to hang out so much cuz he feels pressure to have sex w/ me so much. or i could just be over analyzing as usual. i think since i am adding that weight routine (which as i found out this morning, hits all the spots i want to hit) that i will really start to see some changes in my muscle tone soon. damn i was gonna say something but i got distracted by one of those commercials where 2 guys are on the phone and they are singing their conversation. those crack me up. i am so easily amused. oh yeah, i was going to say that i love the way my muscles feel. i remember how much i loved my legs in highschool when i played soccer. i mean my skin is soft but when i can feel my muscles and can see them working, (not buff but just lean) i just think it's amazing. cuz it's like that's my body working and doing what god (or whatever) made it to do. that's the mechanics of it and from art and studying the human form and muscle groups it's amazing to see the definition (not that i have much at the moment) sometimes i am just amazed by my body. or anyone's for that matter. and the fact that your body will do what you tell it to, is just amazing. i mean when i am doing pilates or lunges and i see my muscles it's like ohmigod i have come so far and that's what all my hardwork was for. well anyway i dont know what the point of that was i just needed to get it out there. lol.


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