Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Movin on up......

A lot has happened since yesterday..... First of all I was seriously jonesing to move and I was thinking about calling my brother to see if he had changed his mind and wanted to move up here, well I put it off but then he called me and said he wanted to come up. So today since I am the queen of finding apartments fast, I found an apartment. Right next door. It has a dishwasher and 2 bathrooms, and a rooftop pool, still don't have a washer and dryer but there is a dishwasher, (and did I mention 2 bathrooms? One of which is conveniently located in my bedroom, how about that) the bedrooms are small but the living room/ dining room is as big as my whole apartment. Plus not one but 2 sinks in the kitchen not that I need them now that I have a dishwasher, and something I haven't seen in a long long time, counter space!! yippy! And WE GET TO PAINT!!!! Double yippy. Oh happy day, oohh happy ddaaaayyyy! Did I mention the pool? How awesome is that. If I get a laptop I can work out by the pool. And this is all going to cost me about 75 dollars more a month. So I need a job. At least a part time one. This also means that I will have to go and get my furniture from ass boy's parent's house.

now on to crappy news. Well ya know how I mentioned I said I love you to a certain someone. Well the first time I said I love you he said it back (he was right here) well I said it twice on the IM and nothing. That's pretty hurtful. I guess I should have seen it coming, but I choose to be naive and blind to all the signs. I feel pretty stupid right now.

I am kinda nervous about moving. Now I am probably going to get all sentimental and crap but oh well. It's done, I am moving in October. I have to find a subleaser now though. That could be tough but hopefully not too bad. Well I am hungry and tired so I need to eat. Seriously though last night I was thinking that the bedrooms would have to be separated by the living room and that's exactly the way this one is set up. Plus 2 full baths w/ huge bathtubs sweet!!


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