I awoke to find another letter slipped under my door. My first thought was what the fuck is wrong w/ people that they don't realize that first thing in the morning in not the best time for a positive response from me? I hate, absolutely hate getting up in the morning. I am a crab ass, all I want to do is eat or have sex. Until I get at least food all I can really do is stumble around and grunt. When I get a pissy letter all I want to do is fight. It's like "you have angered the gods, you will now suffer" followed by a lot of angry growling. lol. So anyway I read the letter and it's not a pissy letter at all. It is a huge guilt trip. I feel awful. It's all about how Jamie is beating himself up over the letter and how much he misses me. It breaks my heart. I really wish there was something I could do.
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