Saturday, April 30, 2005
Jamie never responded to my email and last night he came home a little bit after I went to bed and started banging shit around. I went downstairs to ask him if it was necessary and if it was on purpose. He said he was just loud and didn't mean to wake me up. That's it, nothing else. That sucks. I would like to talk about it, but I am sick of him being pissed at me and not talking to me. It makes me feel like any intimacy we had together is gone because he can't talk to me when he's mad. The only person he has to be mad at is himself anyway. If he wasn't trying to hide anything then he wouldn't have gotten caught. I didn't care about the porn, it was his decision to hide it. I hope that we can still be friends because I really like him. He is such a great guy and he has treated me better than any guy I have been with and it makes me very sad that we're not going to be together any more. I miss him already.
Friday, April 29, 2005
"I saw you twice today (Wed.)...Once sitting at the table around lunchtime, and once when I was on my way home around 4 pm. You smiled both times. Wow!! Thank you."
Isn't that sweet! I had to call L. to get Lori's number so I could call her!! We are freaking out right now!
An interesting event
Still haven't talked to Jamie, he didn't get home until 5:30 this morning and he hasn't emailed me back yet.
I applied at a clothing store today for a part-time job. I hope I get it. I also looked last night for volunteering abroad options. I found something in France for 6 months that looks interesting and something in Scotland. I really would like to go out w/ a guy who has a Scottish accent, but then I remember that they probably aren't circumcised and that grosses me out a bit. I think I could get over it though as long as the guy kept talking. Anyway, maybe instead of being a gypsy I will just volunteer abroad for awhile. Who the hell knows what I am going to do. I do know that I am going to check out and maybe find something to do this weekend or next week sometime. Also this woman today said I looked just like the woman in Dr. Shivago and I plan on renting that this weekend and Lori said she wanted to watch it with me. Time to get back to my movie.....
Thursday, April 28, 2005
A New Template!.... a crazy, an old friend, and some bad news
Grezina recieved her flowers yesterday and Ms. P. read her card w/o her knowing. Lori put on the card "We miss you and wish you were here with us. Love ya girl, Lori and Elisha" Ms. P. told R. (the conceirge in our building) that she didn't like the fact that we put "wish you were here with us" on the card. As if it's any of the bitch's business. We were just saying that we miss her. I think she was pissed because she only bought Grezina a croissant for secretary's day.
I got an email from Katisha today!!!! She is coming back soon and applying at my job. I warned her about it but we will see. I put in a good word for her. I really want to spend time w/ her when she comes up.
mmmmm organic fries are yummy, especially when combined w/ (anything but organic) sweet baby rays. mmmmmmmmmmmmm
On a sad note Jamie is in extremely deep shit right now. Like quicksand deep and he doesn't even know it yet. A few weeks ago he told me he was deleting all his porn off his computer. Now, I need to add that in no way shape or form did I ask him or imply that I wanted him to do that. I even told him, before we moved in together when we were setting up the rules and he said when the door's closed knock, that I thought that was a good idea because I didn't need to walk in on him spanking it and vice versa (although, it's usually a good thing when the guy catches the girl, the man in the boat always loves a party.) He has also made a few statements since then about having removed it from his computer. Yesterday or the day before I mentioned I wanted to go on his computer, when he wasn't home since he is working nights, to look at the pictures he took and he had a huge shit fit. He refused to let me go on there saying that he was really private about that stuff and implied that I would be snooping. I got offended by that and told him if I wanted to snoop I could go in there any damn time I wanted when he wasn't home and snoop to my hearts content. Then today we went out to lunch and I mentioned emailing them to myself from his computer and he didn't seem to have any objections so when I got home from work I went in there. I was pretty excited because I could start working on my template, so I sat down and began to upload them all into my email. I finished up and started to close out my pages and I got down to his soulseek page that he had running when he went to work. I didn't really think anything of it because he is always downloading music so I went to minimize it and the word "porn" caught my eye. I did a double take because I didn't believe what I saw at first. However, there were quite a few titles there. Most of them involved Jenna Jameson, who I admit is hot. It's not the porn that I have a problem with. I know guys like to look at naked women. I like to look at naked women. Lori and I had this discussion yesterday about if a woman says she has never been turned on by the sight of another woman she is lying. Hello, do I have to mention Angelina Jolie? There isn't a person on earth I would love to have sex w/ more than Angelina Jolie. Unless of course I could make the man up out of thin air, but since that isn't possible yet I am sticking w/ Jolie. Anyway, I digress. I do have a few problems w/ this though:
- He made such a big deal about deleting it all.
- The shit that Kyle put me through w/ the porn and the lying, and the fact that Jamie knows all about it and how much it hurt me.
- He had naked pictures of me on his computer, yet he decided to download porn. Talk about a blow to my ego.
True, I don't look like Jenna Jameson. BUT I am his girlfriend, his flesh and blood girlfriend who is willing to fuck his brains out if only he was able to. I think I am in shock about it all, because I am not that mad. I am really hurt though. I am going to email him before I go to bed. I know he is going to be pissed that I went in there. I didn't think anything of it until afterwards though. I really thought that he knew I was talking about doing it tonight when I got home from work. The situation kind of sucks. I found it by accident. Although I did tell him about my sixth sense for finding out that stuff. He was forwarned. I guess he didn't believe me. I can't help it, it just falls into my lap. I knew something was up yesterday, but I let it go because I trusted him. After we stopped talking about it I didn't even think any more of it. I think that's the part that really sucks and that has me upset. It didn't even cross my mind that he was lying about the porn. Anyone else and I would have jumped on it immediately.
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Over the last couple of days my room has been cleaned (numerous times) and my old apartment has been packed, moved, and unpacked. I also plan on starting to work out an hour a day instead of half an hour, but we will see. Maybe I will work out half an hour 3 times a week and an hour 2 times and work my way up.
I also started to reread my favorite book again. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. The whole series is amazing. I have read the first book 3 times and the rest 2 (except the 5th one). I have been waiting on pins and needles for the last 2 or 3 years for the 6th one to come out. This is worse than waiting for a new season of the Sopranos. I got the first 4 after my mom died when I went to live with my grandma. It was so boring there I went to the bookstore and picked up the biggest book I could find. At 627 pages it wasn't nearly big enough so I bought the whole series.
I almost forgot tomorrow is secretary's day and Lori and I bought Grezina a bouquet of flowers that are going to be delivered at 2! We are so excited we can't wait.
I am so exhausted I am going to curl up in bed and read my book until about 8:30 or 9 and then I am going to pass out. I have stayed up past 11 for the last 2 nights. No more! I must get up and work out.
Friday, April 22, 2005
At least today Lori and I finally get to spend a whole afternoon training on our computer system at our building. Sometimes it's hard to be around so many winners.
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Monday, April 18, 2005
Today sucked. I was supposed to go w/ Lori to check out places around our building, but I had to stay at the office so I could go through keys to see if any spares keys around the office matched L.'s filing cabinet. Lucky me. Supposedly I get to go tomorrow after my lunch appointment.
I can't wait until Saturday when I go to weigh in at my meeting. I hope that I have lost the 5lbs I need to lose in order to meet my weight and start the process of becoming a life time member. I doubt it will happen that fast because I have so little to lose, but a girl can hope.
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Mike is supposed to be back tonight. No more running around naked. That's a shame.
Wednesday Lori and I are supposed to be in our new building! No more Crazy#1 any more. Tuesday is lunch w/ wresting guy.
Saturday, April 16, 2005
I am getting ready to go to a weightwatcher's meeting and actually sign up and buy some stuff. It's 2 miles away and I plan on riding my bike. I got an email from the wrestling guy, he thinks he can have me working by the end of the month! That would be nice because of the money, but I am still only 50% interested in the job. I think I am going to go to my apartment afterwards and try to clean again. Tomorrow I am hoping to hang out w/ Margo for a little bit and maybe go back to the zoo.
Friday, April 15, 2005
Today I was thinking that wrestling guys for money is kind of hookerish and I was thinking I wouldn't do it at all. I was mainly feeling this way because Jamie is still not talking to me I guess and I was thinking that I was going to take this job even if he didn't want me to because I need money. I felt like I was being pretty shallow because I was willing to risk a relationship just to get some money. Then I remembered Jamie is mad at me because jokingly I said I let him take pictures of that hooker after he told me no about taking this job. He was basically telling me he wasn't going to let me take this job and he was serious. The guy who would be my boss/pimp (jk about the pimp part) told me that I wouldn't have to do anything I don't want to do and that I would wear a sports bra and shorts when I wrestled these guys and there would be body guards. So I would be dressed and there would be no sex involved and there would be a bodyguard. If he isn't lying (which he probably is) then this job might be really good for a couple of months so I can get out of debt fast and on my way to finishing school and buying my house. I told Lori all about this job and I showed her the emails the guy has sent me. She said that she was surprised he actually seemed normal. I agreed w/ her. This morning she told me that if I liked it she would do it. That made me feel a little bit better cuz she isn't slutty or hookerish at all.
I am pretty damn tired today. I didn't even ride my bike to work, or get up to work out. I feel like I am going to go to bed when I get home.
I think Lori, Grezina, and I are going to go to the movies next Friday. I hope so. Tuesday is pay day!!!!!!
Thursday, April 14, 2005
I got to spend 2 hours in my building today. Lori and I had a meeting to go to. We learned all about the kickass fitness center that has memeberships for 27.50 a month that we won't get to use. I also didn't stay in my points range because I was freakin starving after I ate lunch. I ended up impulsing buy a huge bag of animal crackers (which is actually not too bad to snack on) and then I munched on them all afternoon.
Ok this is kind of funny.....on CSI (cuz I am a loser) the guy just asked "if your home alone do you lock the bathroom door?" he then said that it's human nature to not want to feel vulnerable. Hell I don't even close the door. Do people actually lock the door when they are home alone? Maybe I really am that lazy. lol
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Monday, April 11, 2005
Work sucked today, although I did get to go to one of the buildings for an hour. P. is quitting and her last day is either tomorrow or the day after that. How I am going to handle it after she leaves I don't know. I am going to have to do her crap and I don't even really know what she does! I have also decided that I am going to ride my bike to work from now on. I had to walk home today because I was tired of waiting for the damn bus. It's alright though, I was really just looking for an excuse to start sooner than later. Well I am gonna make some food and then ride my bike to the container store and then maybe meet up w/ Ralph. Oh I was going to work out today but I am still really sore from riding my bike yesterday and then climbing up all those damn stairs. I will get up tomorrow and work out though, no matter what!
Saturday, April 09, 2005
I went to my old apartment to clean up but I was so tired I fell asleep, then when I woke up it was getting late so I went to get some food at Melrose. The weirdest thing happened. I ran into a friend from home! She moved up here last weekend, but I had forgotten all about it. We exchanged numbers and then I left. I went back to the bike store and dropped my bike off. I can't wait to pick it up in the morning. I rode it over to the store and I remembered how freakin fun it is to ride a bike! Tomorrow I plan on paying my late fees at the library and cleaning my room and riding my bike.
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Today before 9 o'clock Pauline said that she thinks I think too much. Ok I am really curious about this now. She is about the 3rd or 4th person to say this to me. What the hell does it mean? How much does a normal person think? What constitutes as too much thinking? It's so weird. I can't wrap my mind around that concept. I just want to know what the hell it means and why the hell everyone thinks I do it. Apparently it is damn obvious. How do people not think too much? I'm curious
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Excessive cursing from a lonely and tired girl
- overthinking
- anxiety
- not standing up for myself
- procrastinating
- being too messy
- not being focused
- being fat
- being too skinny
- not having my hair perfect
- not being responsible enough
- not wearing enough make-up
- wearing too much make-up
- having too many zits
- not having a good enough body
- being too sensitive
- not being sensitive enough
All of this is just bullshit opinions! I am tired of trying to be perfect. I am sick of worrying about my flaws and what's wrong with me. I guess that's the reason I stopped having friends along time ago, it's not because I wasn't good enough to be friends with, it's because I didn't want people to fucking constantly judge me. No fucking wonder I am so scared shitless of rejection!!!! EVERYONE FUCKING REJECTS ME. I am not good enough for anyone. No one on this god forsaken planet likes me just the way I am. Everyone has to chime in with their "how to improve Elisha tips" The only time someone tells me something nice about me is when they want something. I am not a fucking puppet. I am not clay for someone to come along and mold. Ya know what? I like to fucking complain. I like to bitch when someone pisses me off and if you don't like it then that's your problem, not mine. I don't need to go out and fix it. I don't need to jump when you say jump. Any time I have ever let anyone get close to me and shown the real me they automatically start tearing away at what they don't like. I can not name one person in my whole life who hasn't done that. Someone that I have trusted, that knew the real 3D me, and didn't do that. Well ya know what I LIKE ME! AS A MATTER OF FUCKING FACT I LOVE ME. I like that I lost 50 lbs no matter what my body looks like now, I like that I moved to Chicago all by myself, I like that I bounce back like a god damn super ball and I like that I don't let someone work me to the fucking bone if I am sick. I think I might even like that not everyone likes me. I don't want Hitler to fucking like me. I like that there is a shit load of stuff "wrong" with me. So what if I bitch about stuff. So what if I don't have the tits that a 22 yr old should have. So what if I don't live up to anyone else's standards but my own. So fuck everyone who thinks that I should change something about myself or that they have free reign to tell me what's wrong w/ me. If that's a little abusive I don't care because constantly telling someone that you "love" that something is wrong with them is pretty fucking abusive. Let's look at the bright side. At least I am not a serial killer, or a sociopath, or molesting little kids. I am just a 22 yr old girl who needs someone to actually care about her and for once just let her be. No wonder I have spent all these yrs w/ only one person at a time being close to. Any more and I would have felt as crazy as I do now. I would have been torn in so many directions. I do need to be a gypsy. Only staying long enough in one place to barely scratch the surface of the people there. Don't get me wrong. I like self-improvement and I like making myself a better person, but I need a damn break. The last almost 2 yrs have been about discovering who I am and trying to get my shit together. I am barely any closer to getting my shit together than I was 2 yrs ago. As a matter of fact in most cases I might be further away. Like my love life. What the fuck am I doing? But other places I am slightly better, working out, eating right, my money. (I said slightly) at least in those places I am no worse. The one resounding place that I know I am different....I just want to relax and be me. I don't want to fix any of my flaws right now. I want to take what I have and find a life that fits that, not find a me that fits someone else's life. I just want to be at peace with myself. I have always wanted peace w/in myself but I always thought that I had to change something about myself to get it. I do and I don't. What I have to change is my response to people telling my I need to change. I need to like myself just the way I am on the inside. Now why do I find the need to go and get a book to help me do this ;-D just kidding
P.S. I do like constructive critiscism, but like I said I need a break. Plus (and here's a hint) if you find yourself constructively critiscizing someone make sure you let them know the goodstuff about them too, that's why it's constructive and not just critiscism, good and bad (remember that people).
so nice! I started coughing really bad and one went to Walgreens and
bought me a bottle of water and a banana. I love bananas!
I feel so much better today! I did some yoga this morning and I feel
great! I am so proud of myself. I can't wait until tomorrow to get up and
excercise. I can't believe how awake I am considering I was up at 3:30.
It is so slow at this building. At least there's a walgreens in the
building so on my lunch I am going to go and buy a weightwatcher's meal
and a diet mt dew. .
Jamie is mad at me again. Last night I was feeling sick so I asked him
to throw my closein the wash. He said ok and then I went downstairs to
fill up my water glass because I have been waking up in the middle of
the night w/ a really bad sore throat and coughing. I wantedt o have
enoguh water to take my new medicine. (I need a whole glass) and I wanted
to have enough to stop coughing. Well Jamie was still down there
putting my clothes in when I went downstairs and I guess he got mad that I
went downstairs. He said that I could put my clothes in myself if I felt
well enough to come downstairs for some water. He went upstairs and
after I got my water I did too. When I got to the top of the stairs he
told me that I better put soap in the wash before I come upstairs. I did
not feel like going back down so I said forget it. I went into my room
and the window was open w/ the fan in it, which caused my door to slam
shut. He came in my room and told me that he was going to do it and that
I was really pissing him off. I told him that I said to forget it and
that I would take care of it. He insisted on doing it and then slammed
the door. I think that the wind slammed the door, but I am not 100%
sure. I emailed him and told him that if he didn't want to do it then he
shouldn't have said he would and I told him that I didn't slam the door,
the wind grabbed it.
I am still dreaming of the steak I made last night. I broiled it, and
then I made fettucini and spinage noodles w/ a parmesan sauce and some
corn. It was YUMMY! I love steak. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I get to go to my building for work today and great all the tenants as they come in. At least I will be out of the office for the day. Hopefully they have our chairs set up.
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Also my paycheck wasn't direct deposited into my account this month. I wonder what that crap was all about.
Monday, April 04, 2005
Last night on the way home from visiting my family Jamie and I stopped off to see his brother and his girlfriend. It was a lot of fun. I wish they lived up here.
I hope that once I get better that I have more energy so I can actually start having some fun. I am so happy that the weather is warming up!