Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Lori and I finally got to start at our building yesterday! It was the best day ever! No more crazy people. We still have to deal w/ L. on a daily basis and that is pain enough, but at least it's only in the morning and that's it. Mimi's last day was today. I had no idea until she stopped by to drop her uniform at the cleaners in our building. I LOVE Mimi. The only bad part about my job now (besides still being apart of a bad company) is that we don't get the internet for work. Lori and I have such a blast. Yesterday after work I got on the wrong bus (stupid buses). The one I got on took me right by Old Navy so I took it as a sign and went to buy new clothes. I then decided I needed a new bra and went to Victoria's Secret. That was depressing. I should have stopped while I was ahead. It turns out that I still can't wear anything in there. After all the weight I have lost. Well that's not entirely true. I think it was more the type of bra I was trying to get into. I didn't realize that at the time though and I felt thoroughly deformed and pissed off. I came home and asked Jamie to take some pictures of me that would make me happy to be in my body. I knew if any one could do it my talented honey could. And he did..... So I finally have some sexy pictures of myself that I will try to put into a new template. The more revealing pictures will stay with me of course. :-D I don't think I exude sexuality in any of them, but they are nice to look at, especially considering I just touched up my make-up for work and took my hair down. He asked me why we didn't do that sooner and I told him it was because I always felt too good about myself, lol. I always said when I get a six pack I wanted to do it, but last night I needed some proof that I looked good now.
Over the last couple of days my room has been cleaned (numerous times) and my old apartment has been packed, moved, and unpacked. I also plan on starting to work out an hour a day instead of half an hour, but we will see. Maybe I will work out half an hour 3 times a week and an hour 2 times and work my way up.

I also started to reread my favorite book again. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. The whole series is amazing. I have read the first book 3 times and the rest 2 (except the 5th one). I have been waiting on pins and needles for the last 2 or 3 years for the 6th one to come out. This is worse than waiting for a new season of the Sopranos. I got the first 4 after my mom died when I went to live with my grandma. It was so boring there I went to the bookstore and picked up the biggest book I could find. At 627 pages it wasn't nearly big enough so I bought the whole series.

I almost forgot tomorrow is secretary's day and Lori and I bought Grezina a bouquet of flowers that are going to be delivered at 2! We are so excited we can't wait.

I am so exhausted I am going to curl up in bed and read my book until about 8:30 or 9 and then I am going to pass out. I have stayed up past 11 for the last 2 nights. No more! I must get up and work out.


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