I did my duty as an American citizen today and voted....for Kerry. Everyone of my chads hung on there. I had to tear them all off manually. There was hardly anyone in line, although I did see one of my old doormen there. So because I planned for at least an hour wait (just in case) I was here like 3 hours early. That sucked. I went to the library to use the computers but we were not allowed to sit down, so I started to go throught this book that I have (more on this later) and then I came up stairs and am now on Melissa's computer. We are supposed to go to Bennigan's for class tonight but I don't have any money. Melissa wants to pay for us all, but we are not having any of that. We will probably go to governor's pub because they will have tv's to watch the election in. I might still go to Burton's Place to hang out w/ Ross but I am not in a very good mood so I might not. We will see.
I wrote Keith an email this morning telling him that I couldn't sit around and wait for him to pay me attention any more. I just can't it hurts too much. So that is why I am bummed out. I need a cat.
The book that I am reading is about "shaping up your life." I am doing the live the life you want make-over. I know I know, I am such a corny girl. But oh well, I figured it will give me something to focus on and that way I won't feel so lousy. Each week I have to work on certain things: emotions/spirituality/physical health/diet/rest/body image and confidence. It's a four week make-over although all the different areas have more than one four week plan. I think I might be getting excited about the spirituality one. I think I am going to do the plan for volunteering. I want to volunteer to hold babies in the nurseries at hospitals. That way maybe I can learn to do some stuff before I have kids. Or I might do a big sister thing. I wanted to do that before I came up here. But I think that will help me feel good about myself and take care of some of the loneliness that I feel. Not to mention I think I will still join the art club, but that won't actually start until the strike is over.
We went to Bennigan's for class, it was pretty damn good. That was the coolest class, it was like a bunch of friends just chatting over dinner. I got a shitty grade on my last paper. It was a freakin B-. There was no reason for me to have not gotten an A on that paper. I'm retarded. I went to hang out w/ Ross, Jamie and Mike at the bar for the party. Didn't stay long at all. Jen, from class wants me to move to Australia w/ her. She is awesome. Oh and I can't get a cat because Ross is allergic. and I am going to see if I can go in an hour late for work because Melissa is having this thing at school and she needs people to show up. Plus it's for money for women to go to college and stuff. I need to go to that. I got 2 movies from Netflix today, Buying the Cow and Passion of the Christ. I guess that's all I really have to type. I might watch Buying the Cow tonight.
Oh I forgot. Ya know what sucks donkey dick. (huge, hairy, nasty, donkey dick) when you have to break up w/ someone you love and everyone else around you is happy in love and they all want to tell you about it...over and over and over. (Don't take this personnally Marisa, I love you and you can tell me about Danny any time) Seriously though, every freakin person I know. Every one. Sometimes I hate my life.
I wrote Keith an email this morning telling him that I couldn't sit around and wait for him to pay me attention any more. I just can't it hurts too much. So that is why I am bummed out. I need a cat.
The book that I am reading is about "shaping up your life." I am doing the live the life you want make-over. I know I know, I am such a corny girl. But oh well, I figured it will give me something to focus on and that way I won't feel so lousy. Each week I have to work on certain things: emotions/spirituality/physical health/diet/rest/body image and confidence. It's a four week make-over although all the different areas have more than one four week plan. I think I might be getting excited about the spirituality one. I think I am going to do the plan for volunteering. I want to volunteer to hold babies in the nurseries at hospitals. That way maybe I can learn to do some stuff before I have kids. Or I might do a big sister thing. I wanted to do that before I came up here. But I think that will help me feel good about myself and take care of some of the loneliness that I feel. Not to mention I think I will still join the art club, but that won't actually start until the strike is over.
We went to Bennigan's for class, it was pretty damn good. That was the coolest class, it was like a bunch of friends just chatting over dinner. I got a shitty grade on my last paper. It was a freakin B-. There was no reason for me to have not gotten an A on that paper. I'm retarded. I went to hang out w/ Ross, Jamie and Mike at the bar for the party. Didn't stay long at all. Jen, from class wants me to move to Australia w/ her. She is awesome. Oh and I can't get a cat because Ross is allergic. and I am going to see if I can go in an hour late for work because Melissa is having this thing at school and she needs people to show up. Plus it's for money for women to go to college and stuff. I need to go to that. I got 2 movies from Netflix today, Buying the Cow and Passion of the Christ. I guess that's all I really have to type. I might watch Buying the Cow tonight.
Oh I forgot. Ya know what sucks donkey dick. (huge, hairy, nasty, donkey dick) when you have to break up w/ someone you love and everyone else around you is happy in love and they all want to tell you about it...over and over and over. (Don't take this personnally Marisa, I love you and you can tell me about Danny any time) Seriously though, every freakin person I know. Every one. Sometimes I hate my life.
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