Sunday, October 31, 2004

Thank you for callling Hotel _________ a ________ hotel, Elisha speaking how may I help you

I figured while Katisha is on break I will put another post up because I am bored. We always work next to each other, and everyone commments on how are names rhyme. lol. they all think it's so cute. One person asked if we were sisters, (she's black and I am beyond pasty laughed) There was this one really bitchy woman earlier. oh she ticked me off for a sec. I was talking to the people ahead of her, who were from Tennessee (my grams is from Tennessee so we were talking about that, it's my job to build raport w/ the guests, plus they were so sweet) Well they leave after a few moments and this woman comes up, I get all her stuff ready and I ask her how her stay was. She replied "It was perfect until the wait" I thought she said wake so I was about to offer my condolences, but I wanted to make sure I heard her right and I said "a wake?" she said "no, the wait...just now while you chatted." I mean come on, what am I supposed to do be like ok we got your money get out of my face, I should have w/ her. I mean it wasn't like I was talking to someone behind the counter and ignoring her but anyway Katisha is back more talking to do. I might update more later because I have some more to say.


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