Saturday, November 13, 2004

Before I went to lunch today I was writing this: "Alright I think I might be on punked or something. lol. I had a houseman hit on me this morning and now Paul is sexually harassing me. lol. He used to be really mean to me and now all of a sudden since yesterday he is nice. and he always wants me to go in the conceirge closet w/ him and then he tries to give me massages, and I don't know he is really touchy feely all of a sudden. It's odd. I am in the twilight zone I think.

I had a guy earlier yell at me because I am naturally thin! lol. I think someone needs some carbs. He wanted a place to go to eat and he had a british accent and he talked really fast so all i heard was dunkin donuts and I said oh yeah there's a dunkin donuts across the street and he said "NO no dunkin donuts" so I told him about the restaurant across the street and he said "NO they only serve carbs that kill people !!" He started mumbling angrily and backing away from the desk. I called out to him "Wait I can help you find something" He yelled "you're lucky you are naturally thin" in a very snotty tone and walked away. lol. what an ass. Even when I was overweight I still wouldn't have yelled at someone who was skinny I don't know"

Then I went on my break and Paul asked me if I wanted to go to lunch w/ him. I said ok cuz I thought he was just playing around and stuff earlier, I mean everyone jokes around at work, well apparently he wasn't joking. He was trying to make-out w/ me at lunch. 3 times in 1 week I have guys trying to fuck me and not want to be in a relationship w/ me. I mean when did such disrespectful behavior become the norm? When did it become ok for guys to just try to make out w/ someone after they have only been nice to them for 1 day. I don't hear about other girls having this problem, at least not to this extent. Maybe something about me just screams whore. I never even talked to this guy before yesterday and it was still about work related stuff. John said I need a boyfriend. HA. I've been down that road and apparently I can't get any one to love me cuz I am a crazy freak but I can get plenty of people who want to fuck me. I know I shouldn't let it bother me but it really does. I mean it makes me feel like I am only "pretty" skin deep and that I am not a good enough person. I feel like a relationship pariah. Damn Greg and your comment made me feel sooooo good earlier. *warm fuzzies* lol. All your hard work down the drain. lol. That's ok I will go back and reread it.


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