Sunday, November 07, 2004

I worked out today! Go me!! And of course after only one day I am feeling my foxy self again. lol. It's just feeling my muscles working and knowing that they are under there somewhere. lol. I also have not had a soda all day, but I did take a caffine pill this afternoon. oops, but I needed it. I slept 9 hours and I still felt exhausted. It really helped though. Damn I just went to get Antionette McDonald's and she offered to get me a milkshake and well you know how I am about free food. I got a small though. So not quite as bad. lol yeah right who am I kidding. lol. I wasn't going to get anything but i was still kinda hungry so ya know...

I have been talking to Keith the last few days. I don't know it's kinda confusing. Cuz I asked why he decided to im me, like if he was relieved that I was moving on or what ever and now there was no pressure but he said it was cuz he wanted to. Which is why I am confused. Why all of a sudden does he want to? I don't know. I don't pretend to know. Actually I throw my hands up in the air, make a disgusted noise in the back of my throat and walk away. lol jk, I am bored. wow tonight really went fast we had 199 arrivals when I came in at 3.

This milkshake is really good....actually it's better than yours. lol. I am in a goofy mood. I think it has to do w/ the caffine pill and the sugar from the milkshake. I am kinda sleepy now. I think I am starting to come down. lol. Just kidding. Not really though cuz I am crashing. lol
I still have some raisins though, yea for me.

I got an email from Cheryl today. Her ultrasound is on the 15th.

3 hours left. That sucks. I am going straight to bed when I get home. And tomorrow I have to clean. blah! but it has to be done. I'm excited though because Tuesday is my day off, go me. I am going to watch a movie and then go to the library and work on my research paper. Can you believe it!!? I am actually going to do some homework. And work out! I'm on a roll

I got offered a free flank stank over quartered potatoes today. mmmm that sounds so good. Too bad the guy was definitely way too old, steak and potatoes, mmm the highway to my heart. lol.
I am getting in a bad mood. That's not good.


Blogger George said...

Im tellin ya.......try a cream soda float,yummmmmmyyyy. :)

5:49 PM  

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