Saturday, November 06, 2004

Sorry I have to comment on this

I just read the 5 points of Bush's agenda. Ohmigod!!! We are in trouble. 2 might be harmless but the other 3 are fucking retarded. No. 4 really has me pissed. Maybe you should check it out Marisa. hmmm

1. simplify the tax code. sounds ok, might be nice, but considering Bush doesn't do anything if it isn't backed by a selfish motivator I would guess this is going to involve more loop-holes for the rich.

2.reform social security to make it more privatized and put it in the stock market. What the fuck?! I do not want my retirement fund in the fucking stock market. I want my money guarenteed to be there when I need it.

3. Make tax cuts permantent so there is a loss of a trillion dollars over 10 yrs. What?! Put that money in social security so I am not eating freakin alpo when I am 80. How about cutting out the wastefullness of the way taxes are spent now and make it a more effecient system s0 it's better spent, and try putting into social security, and getting the budget balanced and then we will talk about cutting taxes for all your buddies.

4. Energy Legislation. Opening Alaska's Wildlife Refuge for oil drilling. What's that Marisa? I was right? Is that what you said? Yeah I thought so.
So instead of taking aforementioned trillion dollars and trying to come up w/ a solution for being so dependent on oil, the oil-tycoon is going to tap into the rest of the oil we have. Wow. who saw that one coming? oh yeah it was me. like it was that hard. Thanks majority of America I really appreciate that you decided your Hummers and SUV's are more important than Alaska's wildlife. Now go and tell the cute fuzzy baby animals that you don't care if they have a place to go as long as you can make up for your small dicks and other insecurities by having the biggest vehicle you can find.

5. Peaceful Elections in Iraq. Again it sounds good, but we'll see how he fucks this up.

Yeah, maybe I am a little bitter. And don't worry it will get worse because I have yet to hear what he is going to do about abortions. I mean do this stupid girls who only vote bush because he is pro-life even know what it was like for women when abortion was illegal or do they even care because they think they are going to hell anyway and the sooner the better? Anyway I am off this topic because I would like to have a nice day.


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