Sunday, May 08, 2005

Ok Jamie is about to die. He changed his plans for today and decided to stay home and do stuff w/ me. At first this sounded fun. Now however, I want to jump on him and tickle the crap out of him until he starts to cry. He slept in until I just woke him up at 10:30 and now he is putting around. I have a nickname for when he does this. It's not very creative, but it's fitting. I call him Putter. When he has shit to do he rushes me and spits out the infamous quote "We're on my schedule" Even though I am not putting by any means. Now he wants to take a shower, make phone calls, and various other pointless activities all while moving at the speed of slug. I want to go. I want to get out of the apartment and do stuff. I want to go to the zoo and sketch and read and lay out in the grass. But nooooooo I am waiting for putter. He's the pokey little puppy. GGGRRRRRRRRRR.


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