Friday, March 11, 2005

Cold-hearted bitch

Marisa was there tonight w/ another guy from the hotel when Jamie and I got there. I think she thought that I was going to be over it by the time she came back. She was wrong. She told me I was abusive because I said "fuck you" to her the other day. She said that "you don't say that to people you love." I told her she was right, I used to love her, but then she lied to me. Her and Keith are the only 2 people that I loved that I have said fuck you to when I was angry. With Keith I immediately regretted it and still feel like shit for saying that to him. Her, I just don't care. Jamie said that she doesn't realize that she is lying to me because people who aren't honest with themselves can't be honest with other people. That's all fine and dandy, but I know when I am lying to someone. Plus I am not the kind of person to take a relationship lightly and just say screw it just because someone pissed me off or I think that they might have done something. Look at Kyle, look at Keith, everyone was telling me both times that they were treating me like shit, but no matter what someone does to me the hardest thing for me to do is get that person out of my life. (I would still be friends w/ Kyle if it wasn't for his new girlfriend, and I would be friends w/ Keith except now he doesn't want to talk to me and I was so mad and hurt that I couldn't talk to him w/o getting extremely angry and why put either one of us through that.) All she would have had to do was admit that she was lying and say she was sorry and we could still be friends, I wouldn't trust her, but it wouldn't be like it is now. She doesn't believe me that I know for a fact that she is lying, and therefore won't fess up. I would not kick someone out of my life if I wasn't 100% sure they were lying. She also tried saying that she didn't have Richard over the time Jamie went to pick up my shoes. Jamie said that she asked him not to say anything to me. I asked her if she wanted to call him a liar to his face, but she just kept saying that someone was probably dropping her off. There's a difference between someone dropping her off and being in the apartment. She also tried saying that I just want her there to sit on the couch and be quiet and that she is not allowed to have friends. I couldn't give a flying monkey's fat ass if she has friends or not, I just don't want a different guy coming into our shared space every week. She knew that before she moved in. It wasn't news to her. She also tried to tell me I have to give her half of the money for March's rent back because she is moving out early. She said it's because I gave her no choice but to move. I offered more than once to leave stuff there so she wouldn't be sitting there w/ nothing to do. I told her when I first started thinking about moving that she could have the place to herself and that I was going to move out slowly, that I was going to take the 2 months time to pack everything up. She also said she is moving out early because she didn't want our relationship to get to the point that it's at now, and that I am mad because she didn't lend me money, and I am taking out getting fired on her. No, No, and No. We are where we are because she lied to my face, I asked her to pay next month's rent early and she said no, that was the end of it, I didn't get mad until.... she lied to my face, and I don't care about getting fired any more, I am going to have a job that pays more, gives me weekends off and a set schedule. I am not friends with her because (everybody now) she lied to my face! Not to mention the pure disrespect of my space and the fact that when I did care about being fired all she cared about was chatting on the phone when I needed it. Where's the support in that? Where was the support on the day I got fired when I had to listen to all the guys that she thinks wants her? Oh well. I am done, and she can ask me for her money back until she is blue in the face. It was funny because she said that was money I wouldn't be using now. Excuse me? I had to pay rent, plus I guess she forgot I don't have a second source of income, where does she want this money to come from? Unfortunately I can't pull it out of my ass. I wish I could, but no. Maybe that flying monkey has some. I also told her in the letter I left her that I was taking the phone if she didn't pay for last month's rent. She tried saying that she didn't have it. I started to take the phone. She kept saying that I should leave it because of her daughter. I told her that if she paid me the money I would give her half back when she turned in her keys. I shouldn't even have been that generous with her, considering the money is for last month's phone bill and not this month's. She tried telling me to take it out of the rent. People think that I am always nice and that I have no back bone and I won't be a bitch. They are partly right. I am always nice unless I have to be a bitch, which is rare, so it comes as a shock to people when they see me being a cold-hearted bitch. Believe me, tonight I was just that.


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