Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Ya know how I said I was too broke for some retail therapy? I changed my mind. lol. That's not a good thing. Marisa was in the city so we went to lunch, and then we went to Old Navy so I could get an outfit to wear out on Monday night. They are having a Front Office appreciation night. Well then I needed shoes. I really wanted a pair of black stilettos cuz I have always wanted a pair and could never find them. (You would think that that would be so easy) So Payless was closing their store on Randolph and State so I mosied on over there, but no black heels left. I did get a pretty cool hot pink pair of heels though for 8 bucks and I wore them last night and got a few compliments on them. But then I was going to get my hair cut cuz I look like a shaggy dog and I was going to walk to watertower place (the mall) I walked right past Parade, and they too were having a store closing sale!!! Not only did I get my black stilettos I got 2 pairs and I got a new pair of boots!!! :-D They are kinda loud, lol, but that's ok I love them anyway. It's funny cuz they are hotpink also and they are satin! I love them. Now I just need to go places to wear my new shoes! And I found 2 thrift stores and I bought some more awesome clothes! I would go into details cuz I am that excited but I will spare you.

Keith was supposed to come over last night but he didn't and then he was supposed to come online but he didn't. He is going hunting for ten days on Friday.

Yesterday I did not clean, I did not do my paper, I did not do anything but shop. And it felt goooood. It would have been better if I got my hair cut but that can wait until next week I guess. I did go to class. I don't know how I am going to finish my paper. I was going to work tomorrow and have a whole day of overtime, but since I didn't do any of my paper yesterday I have to do it on Thursday. I didn't even go grocery shopping yesterday, and I really needed to do that. Pay day is 2 days away!!! Alright I am just rambling now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Why are you reading my comments and blog...? lol. You should be working on your paper. It's thursday and your running short on time to complete this thing... lol.

All I can say is: Women and their shoes... lol. Stilletto heels... you would tower over me as I am only 5'6". lol. Amy misses wearing stilleto heals... I don't tell her she can't... she doesn't though... says she doesn't like towering over me... lol.

Have a good day!

10:06 AM  

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