Thursday, November 18, 2004

Speaking of adult movies Greg, a guy called down last night to the front desk and wanted his "3 digit code." I knew what he wanted but I wanted to ask just someone just to be sure, I didn't want to assume that's what he wanted the adult movies. Well I asked John and that is what he wanted (I really didn't need to know about that, lol) So I had to tell the guy that we don't have 3 digit codes, and he was kinda upset I think but he just said 'oh that's odd." Our owners are pretty straight-laced and don't want the hotels having it. Although I think Ross told me one of our sister hotels had the wedges, I might have to check that out. Ya know strictly for business though, to um have refrences to all the amenities and what not. lol.

Alright I am going to get my stuff together and head to the bookstore because that is where I am going to do my paper. Melissa let me change my topic but I don't know if I will have enough books for it. Either way I am still doing this topic because it's really too late to change to another one.

I worked w/ Sharonjoy last night, she cracks me up. If I ever draw nudes I think I would have to draw her because she is just such a beautiful person and she has beautiful skin. I also worked w/ John. When we were walking home he was actually goofing around a bit and making funny faces. I was surprised he normally seems serious and quiet and it was just a different side of him, it cracked me up too. Sharonjoy, Toufik, and I were making him mad because we were talking about the war and Bush and all that. All of a sudden John said "You guys have to quit talking your making me mad" It was kinda funny but I felt bad. I rib on him alot about his political choices but it doesn't really bother me. I don't want him to feel bad about his opinions or choices.
Anyway. I have to go because I have 10 pages to write and at least one book to finish reading. Damn I was going to say something else but I forgot.


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