Thursday, March 17, 2005

My job is going pretty good so far. The first day and today I was in the main office training on being a receptionist there. Tomorrow I am opening the office by myself and next week I will be filling in for the main receptionist all week while she is out on vacation. I was feeling pretty excited about this and thinking that I must kick some serious ass until I told Jamie and of course Jamie being Jamie he had to burst my bubble. He mentioned that they are probably just throwing it all on me because I am the peon and that they are giving the job of the General to the private. Thanks Jamie, I appreciate it, make me doubt myself right before I have to deal with more responsibilty in a job than I have had in a couple of years. Even then it was a only a tiny ass library that only about 50 people came into all day and I still worked a month before they let me open that up. Thanks.

I think I am getting a rash from the suit I bought yesterday.

I might have found a home for Willis!

I had a lot of fun at work today, being a receptionist kicks ass! I am busy all day! I hope that the building I go to for the customer service position is busy otherwise I might ask the boss if I can just stay at the office. The customer service job is about half the job of working at the hotel.

I have tango tonight!!!!


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