Tuesday, March 01, 2005

I am pretty excited. I am mailing off Keith's final payment tomorrow. That makes me happy. 1 bill down and an extra 150 a month for other bills. I found out that my bank deposited my check last night and my money is available today. Lucky me. So tomorrow before I go and buy The Sims2 expansion pack I am going to get my bills together instead of on Thursday.

I am not able to start my next art assignment today because I stayed at Jamie's again last night. It was shitty outside and Marisa wasn't going straight home and John left work early so I didn't have any one to go home w/. I called Jamie to see if he was in bed already cuz then I would have just gone home, but he was still at work (for 16 hours). I should have gotten up early and gone to Southwater Kitchen for breakfast and then bought my game. lol. It's sad how easily amused I am. MMMMM breakfast. I need to eat.


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