Friday, December 03, 2004

Work was really good today. I will post some about it later though.

Right now I am waiting for a call from Jamie, because he is no longer going out of town this weekend and called me to see if I wanted to watch a movie w/ him. I love that he leaves me a message to listen to every day after I get home from work even though he doesn't know how much I enjoy it. It's a guilty pleasure. :-D I was tired when I talked to him so I wasn't thinking clearly and had him come to me instead of me going to him. Even though it would be much easier for me to go to him. oops.

I have been missing Kyle today too. That REALLY sucks. I have just been thinking about some of the adorable things that he used to do (ya know when he wasn't a lying ass) And today I had some chinese food and he loved chinese food. BBBLLLAAAAHHH!!! And I am still missing Keith.

OK he still hasn't called to tell me he is at the train stop, so about work.... I talked to Dan today about what went down on Monday. Apparently Sherry tried blaming it on me and saying that I just came out and told her I was leaving. Anyone that knows me knows that I would never tell my boss that I was leaving early and I wouldn't do it in a snotty way either. Katisha even heard me ask her if Dan talked to her and Dan said that he told me he was gonna talk to me. I pointed it out to him that I could have called in at midnight and that I came in to help him out. He agreed and went on about how much he appreciated it. I also told him I didn't want to be put in the position that I would feel like I had to call in at midnight to avoid something like that happening. Margo has called off since then w/ no problem and so has Janice (a pbx operator) I think Sherry just thought I was going over her head to Dan and that was what pissed her off. That wasn't the case at all. In my head her and Dan are equal. If I am talking to one I am talking to the other. But anyway I also told him about what Sherry said to me about her not thinking I should be upset and I told him I didn't appreciate that because the first thing someone wants when they are mad is to be heard, and validated. Not brushed off. Especially by someone who is supposed to be their boss and it's supposed to be a family. Katisha said that after I left Sherry said "She was pissed" I was. Alot of people think I am just a push over (ok when it comes to relationships I am) because I let alot of shit slide off my back because I do not think it's worth it to get pissed and throw a fit over something that doesnt matter. I am a flexible person. I like compromise, if I can be happy and make someone else happy at the same time why not. But of course people test that and they try to take advantage of it. And when that boundry has finally been crossed they find out real quick. I did apologize to Sherry for my part in it because she is my boss and I don't want her to think that I was being disrespectful, but I want an apology from her too and when I work w/ her again I will tell her how I feel about the stuff she said to me. k he's on his way.... to be continued
But I am looking forward to Jamie getting here.


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