Since I was feeling lonely I made a midnight trip down to Ross and Jamie's. Hung out w/ Jamie for a bit before I passed out. He's always so sweet. I got up and fixed all the corrections I needed to make on my paper. All I have left to do is add the intro, revise it one more time, let Jamie read it (scared! He says he's really hard on that sort of thing) and then meet up w/ Jenn sometime on Thursday after work so we can proof-read each other's one last time and then correct it again. I think I am gonna have Jamie tag along to that if he wants to cuz I am bad at proof-reading someone else's work. I am afraid I will tell them wrong and then they will get a worse grade if they listen to me. lol. Alright I need to go and jump in the shower so I can head to the bank, get some money and food and then head to work. Blah. Did I mention I have to be back at work at 9 tomorrow morning. Oh yeah someone's gonna be cranky.
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