Saturday, September 11, 2004

Well today is my birthday as you all know. and here's what I did.

I woke up at 10 am (after 11 hours of sleep) from Kenny calling but I didn't answer cuz I was gonna just go back to sleep. Well after I got up my wonderful grandma called and I heard her on the other end saying to my step-grandpa, "I hope she's not still sleeping." cuz my family still thinks I am the teenager that doesn't get up until 3pm. So if I get up at like 10 my SG says OH..MY....GOD lol. it's really annoying. lol. but anyway then I say "Hello" and she says really loudly cuz she's excited, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY PUNKIN!!!" it was so sweet. It's still making me smile. I kinda wish I was home today. But then again I wish for alot of things today. Then I get online and about 1 or 2 I realize I don't have anything to do on my birthday so I post a very pathetic ad on craig's list for someone to play soccer or tennis w/ me and yes because I am pathetic and really wanted someone to spend today w/ I put on there that it was my birthday. *hanging my head in shame* lol. blatant call for attention? I think so. So I got a ton of people responding to that, and after spending 3 hours emailing people back I found someone to play tennis w/ and Ross called me and asked if I wanted him to make me a steak dinner!(huh?! where do I sign up. mmmm meat. lol) so he went w/ me to meet Casey, the guy I played tennis w/ so I wouldn't have to meet a strange guy all by myself and he was worried about me, so he sat there and watched us play for a whole hour cuz he couldn't run. And Casey was very nice and we, well I, had lots of fun. I suck so Casey had an extremely good work out chasing the balls...ooops. he was a good sport about it. I am glad at the last minute I added tennis.

Now the great part of the day. lol. Oh wait back the trolly up. I forgot to mention after breakfast I went and got coldstone's birthday cake remix. and I sat in the corner all by myself w/ one tiny little candle while I sadly sang happy birthday to myself w/ a single tear streamin..... jk about the candle and singing and sitting in the OK so back to what happend after tennis. Ross, who is beyond awesome, made me a steak dinner, w/ baked potatoes and asparagus (I haven't had aspargus in forever cuz no one else likes it) let me tell you. this was AWESOME!!! The steak was awesome, no steak sauce needed, mmm just meat. i even liked the seasoning :-0! lol. The baked potatoe was PERFECT!!!! mushy, and it had, sourcream, and crispy bacon (the only kind). OH...MY....GOD! just call me a fat bastard and move on. lol. I felt bad for Jamie cuz he didn't get any. I hung out w/ him while Ross was cooking the food and talking to his wife. We had fun. He cracks me up. And then we watched madd tv and ross rubbed my back where it hurt really really bad from playing tennis, even though I barely ran at all cuz Casey was good and hit all the balls right to me, actually the only running I did was to run and hit the ball again when it didnt go over the net when I hit it the first time (it's been over a yr since I played and I was fat the last time and everytime actually so cut me some slack. lol) so anyway it still hurt lugging my chest around. nice, huh. anyway, Then after I already wanted to pass out, we went and....wait........ for....... it....... got coldstones again!!! lol. mmmmmmmmmm. can you hear me getting fatter? lol. well fat. and now I am home about to fall asleep.

My Aunt who I love sooo much, and who looks like Reba McEntire, and is just awesome, didn't even call me or email me today. :-(

So other than complete strangers I got 1 birthday call from my grams, 1 from Kenny, and 1 from Ross. Keith did call me at like 11 something but I wasnt home and didn't hear the cell.

Oh and there's a whole little story about Kenny but I don't want to talk about him right now, I want to talk about me. lol as if I don't do that enough any other day. lol

I was already kinda bummed about today cuz it was the first day I wasn't gonna have someone make a big deal about my birthday, ya know my mom or my gram's or kyle. Ya know no one to say hey you are special and I know it, so let me make you feel special. I mean... I know I am special 365 days out of the yr. but it's nice when someone else thinks so too. lol. I'm sorry I am just sooo conceited. but really it's a good thing at least I think I am special. lol. oh well it is now midnight and this is the first time since I was 16 that I did not cry on my birthday. It doesn't matter if I felt like it or not, the point is I didnt. and now it doesnt count so I can cry all I want :-P but anyway. I want to say thank you to everyone who sent me emails, and to George who sent me a great ecard from yahoo. it was so00 sweet, i read it twice and will probably go back and read it again before bed! and to Ross who treated me great all night, and who treats me good all the time, but this time I got presents. lol. :-D lol I am rotten. and to all my other friends, I know you didnt mean to not call me on my birthday or make a big deal out of it, the phone's where down across the midwest today (that had to have been it...right) and I am sure you wanted to come see me but your cars just all happened to break down.... and public transportation of course wasn't running since my birthday is a nationally recognized holiday and all.......*looking accusingly at you* ok enough making people feel least until they actually call. lol. jk....maybe. but anyway. I had a pretty awesome birthday. now I am going to bed and having sweet dreams of steaks and baked potatoes.


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