Saturday, September 11, 2004

I just wanted to let my "friends" who couldnt even pick up the phone and call me to wish me a happy birthday,know that it's ok, Ross is making me a steak dinner, cuz he cares about me and is thoughtful, and I spent all day talking to complete strangers that are now my friends because they cared about someone's feelings that they didnt even know, enough to email her on her birthday. and I am about to go play tennis w/ someone else that I don't know yet. but maybe tomorrow when it's not my birthday I will feel a little less like the kid picked last for dodgeball by her own "friends" and be willing to forgive you... if you all ask nicely. (and yes by now you should be feeling extremely guilty and ready to grovel and tell me how much you really do love me and how sorry you are)


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