Tuesday, September 07, 2004

I thought this was kinda interesting, unfortunately I don't remember where I got it from. So if this was on your blog let me know and I will refrence you. It's basically Shrub being an ass, but he is supposed to be a recovering alcoholic and it shows him drinking in like 96 I think. anyway, it gives the yr and stuff.

In english we learned some interesting things, really I guess it was supposed to be boring stuff but to me it was pretty interesting. We basically learned the foundation of an arguement. That an arguement (which in this case is convincing someone to believe or act the way you want them to, not the colloquial defenition which is fighting [can i be any more of a show off? lol]) but basically an arguement needs three parts, the claim, support and a warrant. the claim is what the speaker is trying to prove, the support is obviously what supports the claim, and the warrant is what people need to believe in order to agree w/ the speaker or to believe the arguement. like in order to believe that all mothers should have custody of their children the audience needs to believe that all mothers love their children. Hey I have said that I am a nerd so you really shouldn't be surprised.

Walked home w/ Jen again. She cracks me up.

Kenny is gonna give me some clothes. I am so happy, all I have are crappy stuff. not that Kenny's will be much better cuz it will all be t-shirts but they will fit better than the ones I have now and beggar's can't be choosers.

I think I am going to go to bed early cuz I am pretty beat and I do have to get up for pilates tomorrow. Although right now I am not feeling it.


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