Monday, January 12, 2004

well i went to kenny's and apologized to his mom and she acted like she didnt know what i was talking about which was funny cuz she gave me a dirty look when i walked in. and then she was like dont worry about it, and i was like well i just wanted you to know that i really like coming over here and that i am sorry if it was taken out of context. but i didnt write on here what she did later friday night, when kenny was on his way over here she left him a voice mail saying (apparently in a bitchy tone) i hope elisha remembered to take her pill today. so anyway. i apologized well then she was asking kenny why he told me and he said some smart ass remark and then they started going at it and she said well whats a mother supposed to think when her son goes and spends the night at someone's house, if her mother was alive what would she think. so now i am completely pissed off cuz that was just uncalled for. my mom would be happy as long as i am happy and not judge me. she taught me to be an independent self sufficient WOMAN, and i capitalize that because she taught me how to be a woman in a man's world. i am still working on that cuz frankly i am too nice. lol. but anyway. but anyway. enough about that. marisa is pregnant! i cant believe it. and everyone else is now turning against her and everything and there's no one there for her. and everyone is saying not to marry ray, and all that. i just tell her i am here for her and i will back her up no matter what she wants to do. but anyway. that's crazy that she is pregnant. so me and kenny got into it a little bit about that. cuz neither of us want to have kids now. and i would get an abortion if i got pregnant but since i was standing up for marisa he thought i was changing my mind but anyway he said stuff like she already screwed up once and he thinks she is just doing it for child support and all that and i couldnt believe he was saying that cuz he never even met her and i told him just cuz she is making a different choice than us doesnt mean she is screwing up. she would think i would be screwing up if i got an abortion. i mean i couldnt believe the stuff he was saying. it really made me heated. cuz she is my friend and he doesnt even know her and all that. but anyway. i did my resume today so i got that out of the way and now kenny is going to go over it and help me fix it and all that. so then i can find a damn job. so anyway. i need to go exercise. oh keith said he loved me last night. so.... but he said he just cares about me and want me to be happy and all that which is what i think the definition of loving someone is too and that he is not in love with me. which is good. but anyway. it is scary how alike we are. so anyway. i am hungry and i am going to make some food to eat. type more later


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