Sunday, June 12, 2005

Good news and bad news... Good news is that the 5th season of The Soprano's is out on DVD. Sweet! Bad news.... On Wednesday my Uncle thought he was having a heart another heart attack and went to the hospital and my cousin went into early labor. Did anyone tell me any of this? Oh no, I just found out today.Thanks guys. Luckily my uncle wasn't having another heart attack and went back to work the next day and they stopped Crystal's contractions. Also my Great Aunt and her son and daughter-in-law and their kid went to visit my gram's. They called her and left a message saying they were coming up. They didn't ask at all. Then they told her it would just be the four of them and they ended up bringing the daughter-in-law's mom and never forwarned my gram's. How rude is that? Seriously. My grandma lives in a very tiny house and isn't in the best health and they just decide to come up and visit and then bring someone extra.


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