If it wasn't for Lori I would do some pretty stupid things. First the ex lax and now this. I was trying to think of a time when I wasn't retarded when it comes to guys and ya know there wasn't a time. I had my first crush in kindergarten on a boy named Chad. I named my puppy after him. In first grade I brought the puppy to show n tell. Oh yes. I did. My mom was mortified, but why she didn't stop me I don't know. Why she didn't stop me from naming the damn dog chad is an even greater mystery. I just can't help myself. I try, but I am too damn retarded. But I listen to my friends. I was thinking at work today that it's been over a month since me and Jamie broke up. I was so excited because it didn't seem like a month and I was doing great. I got home and found out that it's only been like 3 weeks, maybe. lol. That sucks. I thought it was like 5. lol.
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