Sunday, October 24, 2004

We are getting alot of bitchy guests tonight, but that could have something to do w/ my lack of patience right now cuz I am feeling worse than yesterday. I had to take my break at 530 which sucked because I was not hungry and I didn't want to go that early but oh well. I ate dinner w/ Mark, our new concierge, he's a nice guy. He cracks me up, he's a sweet heart. But most of the people here are. Except Chakar. :-P

I was up last night talking w/ Kenny about how lonely we both are. He said he needs a girlfriend, I said I need either more friends in the city or a cat. I would rather have more friends in the city but Craig's list sucks and I don't know how else to make new friends cuz I am a nerd. Cats are expensive though and I really don't need any more expenses. Maybe I should just get a plant. lol. Well in that case I might as well talk to the lamp.

I was a loser and called Keith today. I had a good reason though, I am trying to find out if he got his money refunded so I can know exactly how much I owe him, but just as I thought he did not answer the phone. I mailed his card today. I had second thoughts cuz I thought about what Ross said but again I just wouldn't feel right if I didn't send a card, it's the least I can do. I just feel like a loser for calling him though. lol. Oh well. I need to know how much I owe him. He has a great knack for reading my blog whenever I bitch about him. lol. I won't write anything for days and then it seems whenever I need to vent that's when he looks. lol. I always have had such good luck. lol. *rolls eyes*

It seems everyone but my dr thinks I should move on and get over him and find someone else. I am just tired of hearing it. I am tired of talking about the whole damn thing. I never even bring it up, it's everyone else, they all can't wait to tell me how I deserve better or that they want to set me up w/ someone or whatever. I mean I appreciate it and the thoughts behind it but I really just don't want to talk about it.

I do want a cat though. I hate that I like animals so much cuz then I always want a pet, but then they are such a hassle.

I have a midterm in psychology and I have a pretty good feeling I am going to fail. Probably cuz I missed quite a few classes and barely did any of the reading. You would think I would learn my lesson, but noooo here I go again.


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