Monday, April 12, 2004

alright, he is mad because i had a friend (who happened to be a guy) that i havent seen in 4 months come over last night. it was spure of the moment and i didnt even invite the guy. he invited himself. well he was mad because i was talking to this guy when we were on the phone and he was like (becuase i was talking to the other guy on the im) well i am just another guy in line. when he talks dirty to girls all the time. and then later on i was on the phone with him and he was talking to this heather girl well jokingly i said look who has the double standard. well he got all defensive (hmmm i wonder why maybe cuz he knows he does) so we get into this huge fight and now he is mad cuz i had this guy over not even 24 hours after he was here and he was all like well how would you feel if i rushed home cuz i have other plans. well he did he had an easter thing to go to. a thing that wasnt even mentioned to me. when before we were dating i remember him saying oh i am supposed to go to my uncles but i dont want to, or should i go to my dad's i dont feel like it. i just dont understand why it wasnt even brought up especially since there was the perfect time to bring it up right there. and normally when he says something i believe him but he said that he thought he told me. and that just seems odd. and he said that he didnt think it would be appropriate because it was a commitment thing. and those were his exact words but then later he tried to change it into saying that if he told me about it then that would mean he was commited to go. well that sounds like a bunch of crap, he never felt commited to going before when he just mentioned it to me. and he could have said well there's this thing at my uncle's i dont know if i am going yet but i might. i feel like he is lying. he was all pissed cuz i dont believe him he's like so what i am a fucking liar now. i hate it when people fucking lie so why would i do it. well people lie for all sorts of reasons. i feel like he is starting to treat me like that other girl that he was just fucking around with and didnt really want anything to do with her, he used to lie to her, i know when he has lied to other people too. so it's not like he has never lied. i was just hurt that he would think that he has to keep something from me because i am going to expect to be invited to it. especially when i never would. and he has a habit of trying to predict how i will behave. so i bet that is exactly what he did and now he doesnt want to admit to it. i was trying to remember how me and kyle fought and how me and kenny fought and it's like i have never fought this way before. we are like 2 little kids bickering back and forth, i think we both take our insecurities and stuff from our last relationship and are putting them in this one. and that's what we are fighting about. it's so ridiculous. he said i was trying to sabotage the relationship. ummm ok but i was the one who wanted the commitment right and he wanted to relax? what a freaking joke. it's my fault we are fighting because he got jealous. i can see how he would be jealous of me having a guy over. fine but that doesnt mean i am going to stop seeing my friends. me and this guy never went on a date, i dont get how he can sit there and say he is just another guy in line, when i spend all my time with him, but he was also trying to say that my having friends that i talk to online is worse than him talking dirty to girls. thats not right. with this guy sex has never been an issue i have never said anything near sex we have never talked about it or anything, wereas keith talks dirty to this girl, is an active participant in a sexually charged conversation, and not discussing technique or what guys like but saying stuff that she wants to do to him and all that crap but because i have a friend i have some line that i am making him wait in. the whole reason i went online was to meet people to hang out with but because i had a one night stand with a couple of the guys that i met now all of a sudden that was why i went online, i was just online looking to get laid. i dont think so. i was only looking just to get laid once. and that was after i was already on there. and he kept saying why are going around and around why are you beating this to death and it's like because you didnt listen the first time, and he can explain why he does something but if i do it it is making excuses. this shit is just pissing me off, i have not done anything to make him not trust me and yet he doesnt. i think he is trying to start fights just so i have to be the one to call first or make things better. well this is not helping i am only getting madder the more i think about it.


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