After I read Jamie's mean email I wrote back to him and then went to get some coldstones. I had just stopped thinking about the whole situation when I see a guy walking down the street with a very familiar gait. I think to myself, "my that sure does look like the way Jamie walks." Sure enough he is walking in front of me and since I naturally walk faster than him and he kept slowing down to look in the windows catching up to him is inevitable. I ask if he went to get his bike and he turns around with the crabbiest look on his face. So I mumble never mind and keep on walking. He gets home about a minute after I do and goes to his room. He reads my email and the only thing he says is "Well I guess we each have our own baggage, wanna watch the Illini game together?" LOL. Ohmigod! So this morning I call him on it, and say that he only made up with me to watch the game. He very sheepishly denies it and points out that he turned the volume down so we could talk. lol. He is so lucky that I needed to get a piece. The bad part was that I couldn't even get off!!! I was so pissed. My body is officially a traitor.
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