I am trying to think of some really awesome things to do for Jamie for Valentine's Day. So far I have a few ideas:
- Get his hair washed by a hairstylist. The only time he has ever had his hair washed by someone else is when I did it when he stayed at the hotel w/ me. I am by no means a professional. I think it is one of the best things in the world. The tricky part is that I have a male stylist and I am not going to set up an appointment for him to get his hair washed by a guy. That would just be wrong. It has to be a girl, preferably one w/ large breasts, but ya know, one thing at a time.
I want to get him a hot shave, w/ a straight edge. He's never had one of those either. I wanted to send him to American Male. It's this barber shop in the city that is just for guys. They only hire female stylists, and they have leather couches to sit on while the guys wait and they can watch sports, and smoke cigars. They don't give the hot shaves though. although they do offer my next idea... -
A massage. Specifically for his calves, but whole body would be good too, just not a rub and tug, I am not that great of a girlfriend. lol.
I want to get him something that he will really enjoy and that will be something that just fits him perfectly , I still owe him a xmas present. I am going to get him a gift certificate to this funky record store that is by my apartment. ooh I could get him those "love coupons" lol, just for a little side present. That would be corny, it would make him laugh. lol. *sigh* decisions, decisions.
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