Monday, July 26, 2004

i love my new morning routine. it's so relaxing. i get up and go to the gym, then i feel good and proud of myself and then i come home and make myself some yummy almond oatmeal cream and eat that while i drink some oj as i read my favorite blogs and email. it's very nice.
we worked upper body today, it was really good. i need to get an application today or i think ross will disown me. lol. i cant believe i didnt do it friday when i was down there. however i still have a ton of stuff that i didnt do this weekend that i need to do today. although i must say i am very proud of myself that i got all my laundry done and i have a 32  gallon trashbag full of stuff that is going bye bye! it's all too big! i also noticed one of my saddlebags is almost completely gone and today we worked on the love handles. yea! i am pretty happy with the way my arms and legs are turning out. so i was very happy to work the chest and back and core muscles today. Ross was my drill sargent, he's pretty good at it. and he explains every thing really well. 
i had a weird dream about kyle last night. we were graduating h.s. but we were how we are now. and we were all hugging and crying and then i saw his mom and i started crying again and i was like i missed you so much and she was like hold my hand (dont ask me why) but anyway then they were like lets go back to our house and then kyle said something about brittany being there and i was like what! you said she wasnt, if i would have known that then i would have asked keith to come. and then i woke up. i also had a recurring dream where i joined the military and i am in bootcamp. yikes!
keith came over last night :-D!!!! we had a good time i think. we were both pretty quiet though.we went to see anchorman. it was good but i would say wait til it's on dvd and rent it. and we ate at, where else, portillos. yum. it was kinda weird though cuz before we left i had to jump in the shower and i was embarassed to get naked in front of him. (now i dont know if you noticed but i am not shy about stuff like that, well at least when it's someone i am with, then it's naky time all the time. lol. sorry tmi) but anyway. it was weird. maybe cuz technically we are not together. i dont know. it didnt last long though :-D lol. he put his hand on my butt twice last night as we were walking, i was like yea! (and he said i looked good again. double yea! everybody clap.) it was for the purpose of directing me which way to go cuz i just dont pay attention sometimes, but still he didnt have to put his hand on my butt so i was happy. he's so sexy. i think part of the problem with us could be that maybe we just got too close too fast and didnt really take the time to figure out who the other one was so we just played off each other like we did with the last people we were serious
 with and didnt take the time to realize we are different. does that make sense? i mean i know keith is different from kyle, but it's hard to remember that when we are fighting or if i am being too sensitive. well not even just kyle but alot of people in my life have been negative so i assume keith is being negative too. and we just jumped in after i decided i wanted to be with him and i think that that caused us to both get scared and guarded and not take into account who the other person is. i dont know i am pretty sleepy now so if that doesnt make any sense it's ok. i know what i mean. lol plus i thought this up after we had sex last night so i am guessing it's kinda like when people who are high have a great idea, it's great when you are high but it just doesnt make sense when you come back down. i dont know. i have been so much calmer since last wednesday it's unreal. i mean i know it aint back to normal and that he could still dump me (or i could still dump him...ha i couldnt even type that with a straight face) but i dont know just knowing that i will see him again, and more than likely soon is enough. and that he feels the same way that i do. and that he misses me. i think that was what really worried me because i figured he probably didnt miss me nearly as much as i missed him and that he didnt care and all that. but anyway.
my little brother might be coming to see me. yea! i hope he does, i have lived here for 1 yr and nobody has come to visit me. :-( 
oh and another thing about keith. lol. as if there wasnt enough. he said that he didnt think he was very good in bed!!!! HA!!! can you believe that?! i know i can't. mmmmmmm sex with keith mmmmmmmmmm


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