Thursday, July 22, 2004

In other news: Kenny is a moron. hmmm surprising

Kenny (2:09:15 AM): Kurt told me that you told Keith on your cell phone in the Old. that Kurt might want think that Kurt wanted or wants you... or I ever do when we hangout is fucking crazy Elisha...get off you fucking high horse
Kenny (2:09:38 AM): sorry that just made me pissed when he told me that tonight
then i proceded to tear him a new one a few seconds ago and now he is online but went invisible i guess so that way he doesnt have to talk to me. fine by me. he is a spank. I never said that (the time frame he is talking about is on the way to the airport friday, why would i say something like that to keith when i am going to be going away for the weekend with the guy, duh think about it, not to mention the thought didnt even cross my mind and Kurt was right next to me when i was talking with keith, i am sorry but i am not a moron, unlike some people) and he didnt even ask if  i said it just started cussing me out. oh and the old is the oldsmobile that he drives cuz he is a knob (i stole that from keith cuz it so fits kenny). like i really care if either of them want me the only reason i even think that kenny might is because he does shit that makes me uncomfortable otherwise i really wouldnt care at all. and i dont care if kurt wants me. me and kurt had fun but news flash for kenny i am with keith he's the only one i care about if he wants me or not. and since he said kurt said that i said kurt wanted me why would kenny include himself in that. unless he thinks that i am hoping or he really does want me. i am sorry but i might have been with him for awhile but come on.  he thinks he is so fucking hot and i always have to hear about how every girl wants him or some girl isnt good enough. whatever. he is so self-centered it's unreal.
well anyway i had a great work out. ross told me to stop by his work sometime and fill out an application, that's probably what i am going to do. he was also making fun of me cuz i am a flake and only work for a day. lol. it's so true. lol. oh and i burned 414 calories in that class today go me.


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