Monday, June 28, 2004

seriously lean cuisine not only has saved my diet but my bank account, but i also got enough stuff to make chili so i can mix it up. got enough soda and water to last me 2 weeks so the next time i go grocery shopping it shouldnt be too bad either, just a refill on the lean cuisines and some more celery and onions for the chili. not a bad deal at all. i go through phases where i read a certain type of book for awhile or become slightly obsessed with a certain subject. the longest running of these is sex, the shortest: to stop procrastinating, i got 1 book and it is still sitting on my shelf. well a few weeks ago if you will remember it was for lack of a better term girl power, how to be a powerful, independent woman. dont know if i am any more powerful or independent. highly doubt it. actually i think i might be slightly less, once it was how to tell if someone was lying (that was thanks to kyle) i can tell a little easier if someone is lying now, then for a short bit it was organization, there was sign language, well anyway you get the point, now it's body language, which part can be a throw back to the lying thing, but mainly because i was reading superflirt and it talks about how to read other peoples body language to see if they are attracted to you. well now i am curious as to what other ways i can use this to read people. the super power i always wanted was to be able to read peoples minds. and also because i feel i can be too naive about other people. so i figure maybe this will help. dont know if it will or not. it's all kinda like you can do one thing great or a bunch of things mediocre, well i have yet to find that one thing that i want to do really great so in the mean time i am going to do things mediocre until i have the interest to do one of the things great.


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