hmmmm well keith didnt call all day. so i took a nap at about 3:40 and slept until 5:30. i figured he would call and wake me up but he didnt so i called him. i dont know it doesnt seem like he wants to come tonight. i dont know. it was just a weird conversation kinda. he said he was busting his ass at work. i figured that is why he didnt call. and that he caught his daughter's cold. so he is probably feeling like shit right now. he said he was going to take a shower and then call me back. i dont know. i am just waiting for him to tell me he doesnt want to come. which will suck but i guess i will understand. i mean if he feels like shit. it is an hour drive. each way. i was having a weird dream about kenny earlier. i just remembered it. we were at a friend of his and i was sleeping on the couch or something and then there were these hanging platform things and we got up there and we had to knock all these balloons off but we didnt get em all and then she was going to jump from hers to ours but she missed partly because of me and she slid under the bed that was there where the couch just was. so any way i was laughing but trying not to. cuz it looked like it hurt. but for some reason i just really didnt like her that much. so anyway she let us take her car. oh and she lived in a dorm in the sears tower. weird. so anyway. i was driving horrible like i couldnt control the car. and then kenny got out and for some reason i was getting in the car but i was getting in backwards and it took off and kenny got soooo pissed but then i was like kenny what the hell could i do. i couldnt do anything about it and then we just started laughing. and then she came out with a couple of her friends and then we were driving somewhere but i woke up. that is kinda a crazy dream. but anyway. oh yeah keith also said that he has to show an apartment before he comes over. so he is not going to get here until at least 9. that sucks. if he even comes over. i dont know. maybe it would be better if he didnt. i was all excited but now i dont know. he is going to have the kids. and if devin is coming over he might not want me to be there. which is understandable but it would still suck. plus i dont even know where i would sleep and all that. so i dont know. i wish he would have said something sooner though. this britney spears song is getting on my nerves. i liked it but now i am just like shut up. it seems like they play it every other song. well i guess i am going to go back to bed until he calls me. we will see how long it takes.
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