well i had another post yesterday but apparently i didnt do it right. well anyway both guys that i am emailing back and forth want to meet. i think i am going to meet John pretty soon. i called him last night but i guess he was working. but i emailed him too. to give him a recent pic so this morning i had an email from him. he said i can try calling him again tonight if i want to but he might have to work. i figured what the heck i will try. last night marisa's dad called me at 12 am to ask if i had heard anything from her because her and her daughter were supposed to be home 2 hrs before and she hadnt called or anything. so i am worried about her. i think i will call at 12 to see if she came home. i am hoping she was just with her boyfriend (who her parents dont know about) well i think kenny really wants to get serious. which sucks because i dont want to. and i really like him. as a friend. although of course the more i get to know him the cuter he is. but i just dont feel that way. well anyway. John is cute. he looks like lou diamond phillips a little but with short hair and cuter. yum. i still miss michael. but i am not going to wait around. i just think that doing that to some one is silly. and not nice at all. well i am on the phone with my grandma and she is telling me all about all the stuff my little brother is doing. that boy needs to get it in gear. maybe he should move up here with me. i dont know but i dont think having to watch over him is going to be the best thing for me. but if he needs it then i will do it. but he is being stupid. messing up his life. he needs to get it together. well i cant think of anything else at the moment. probably type more later
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