Email's from an ex (the first one is at the bottom)
Jamie wrote me this really mean email that I woke up to this morning. At first I was going to just fight his email w/ one of my own, line for line, but I don't feel like it. I am so sick of fighting w/ people. Plus it's no fun when I know he is just doing it because he's hurt. If he was doing it because he was an ass, now that's a different story. Plus I am freakin exhausted and couldn't even finish the last response. I just stopped. lol. I have a really funny laxative story too, but I am too tired to type it.
my final response
nice I like how you can chicken out and just go off in an email. whatever.
I have already decided that you can go ahead and yell at me all you want in an email or to my face, i will read it or i will listen, but i won't reply. I know you are hurt and I know exactly how you feel, but I am not going to do this. if you can be friends w/ someone who used you and then blew you off, but you can't be friends w/ someone who genuinly cares for you then fine. I can't do anything about that. it's a shame though. i am not going to argue about and I am not going to fight w/ you, but i know you probably need to get it all out of your system before you can really move on. I am the same way.
I said what I had to say. No more email. If this conversation continues, it will be by the same means that human beings have used for thousands of years. Face to face. Otherwise don't bother
My response to Jamie's very mean letter:
first of all I don't have time to respond to all of this now. second, when the hell did you ever initiate anything? i got pretty damn tired of always having to be the first one to try and have sex w/ you. I tried being w/ you on your birthday. I was goddamn fucking exhausted. the reason we were always in my room is because I got home first and was usually watching tv when you got home and of course you came in here for that. i didn't have to sleep in your room when my computer was busted. i cuddled w/ you every freakin time you were in here. if you felt that you were taking a backseat to me then you should have said something a hell of a lot sooner. maybe i just got used to the fact that i had to occupy my time and not wait around to hang out w/ you because you always had stuff to do. do you not remember the first couple of weeks we lived together? i was the one that brought up the fact that we saw eachother more before we moved in together. every time you got mad and wouldn't talk to me i went to you and asked you what was wrong. except this last time because i was over it. i know exactly when we "broke up" it was over the fucking porn search on your computer. I tried telling you i would have a problem getting over it no matter what you said because of my own shit. you never fucking fought for me. i don't know what you think you did but you didn't do anything. you didn't come after me, you didn't even want to go to a doctor, and you just shrugged off something that is a huge deal to me when you dropped the porn issue after you gave me some excuse about it being an old search. you never slept in my room either during the week. i already told you i am not going to feel awkward or like I have to hide in this apartment, if you feel the need to avoid me then you can avoid me. i'm sorry but you were pretty fucking inconsiderate that night when you went to watch the game, and i did not scream like a banshee at you. i remember barely talki ng to you and yelled over my shoulder for you to go home because you were half a block away. i never yelled at you when i got mad. you wrote the nasty emails and didnt talk to me. i love how much shit changes once someone really goes out of thier way to hurt someone or blame them.
Jamie's really mean email
Well you asked for it, so here ya go!!
You think this is about my birthday!! HAH!! We broke up weeks ago. There was a time when I think you were actually genuinely interested in being with me. But that ended quite a while back. When exactly I don't know. But when day after day, you were too tired, or too grumpy from work, or not feeling well, or to sore from working out , or too whatever to spend some quality time together, how the fuck was I supposed to respond? Time after time, I was left to twidle my thumbs because my girlfriend couldn't bring herself to be with me. You complained about me surfing porn and wackin' off? What the hell was I supposed to do when I only got to touch my girlfriend once a freakin' weak!! Did I expect our relationship to just be about sex? Of course not, but I have needs just like everyone else. Think about it. When was the last time YOU initiated any kind of intimacy? When wa s the last time YOU held MY hand? When was the last time YOU cuddled with ME? When was the last time you touched me without any kind of suggestion or direction from me? When was the last time that touched me because YOU wanted to? I mean shit, the only reason you slept in my bed was 'cause your computer was busted. I sat there at work and had to decide, "Do I stay and work some good overtime, or do I go home and spend time with Elisha?" I decided many times to pass up plenty of overtime (and the money that goes with it) so that I could spend what few hours during the night with you that I could before you had to go to bed. I came home and there was always some reason why I had to take a back seat while you surfed the net, or played the Sims, or read, or whatever. I always wanted to go do something and you always wanted to just sit around the dam house. Think about this, how nights did I spend time in you r room, and how many times did you come into mine. If I had always gone straight to my room when I got home, we would never have seen each other.
Did I EXPECT to have sex on my birthday? Not in the sense that it was required, but come on! I would think that you would have wanted to, but the fact that you didn't want to be with me on my birthday really hurt. I mean shit, it was all I could do just to get a kiss out of you that night. IT WAS MY FUCKING BRITHDAY!! I didn't want a fucking card. I didn't care about some fancy dinner. I didn't even care about going out that much. All I wanted for my birthday was YOU. Was that asking too damm much?
Ya know, something occured to me yesterday that you might want to think about. You give me all this shit, and call me immature for how I act when I get mad. Man, if that's not the pot calling the kettle black! How many times did you fly off the fucking handle when you got mad. Remember that night you got all pissed 'cause I went with Mike to watch the game instead being with you? You were fuckin' screaming like a banshee. Now most guys probably would have listened when you turned around and yelled at me to "just go home", but me, I'm stupid. See instead of getting all defensive and running away as you suggested, I took the offensive stance and got in your face about it. See if ya care about someone and want to get to know them, ya do that kind of thing. You don't run away when the tough gets going. See it's the people that are there when times are tough that matter the most in a person's life. So ask you rself, where you there whenever I got mad? See, you scream and yell when you get mad. I don't. I was never specificlly giving YOU the silent treatment. That's just how I am when I get mad. I clam up, even at work they can tell when I'm mad. It doesn't matter why, or what I'm mad about. I don't express anger very well. You complain that I didn't talk when I was mad? Well guess what, the people that mean the most to me are the ones that took the time to talk to me anyway, even though I was to mad to talk. I can't remember one time when you got in my face when I was mad. You wanted me to be there for you, but you weren't able or willing to be there for me. Communication is a two way street. Just because I'm not talking, doesn't mean you can't. Did you bother to call me when I was gone last weekend? No. That if anything sums up my point. You have to be willing to fight for someone. Sometimes, you even have to fight themselves. I fought for you. You never fought for me.
What it comes down to is really simple. You always TALKED about great I am. But you stopped ACTING like it. Talk is cheap!
Oh, and how you feel around me is not my problem anymore. You're just a roommate now. And uhh, when was the last time you talked to me? Goes both ways.
my final response
nice I like how you can chicken out and just go off in an email. whatever.
I have already decided that you can go ahead and yell at me all you want in an email or to my face, i will read it or i will listen, but i won't reply. I know you are hurt and I know exactly how you feel, but I am not going to do this. if you can be friends w/ someone who used you and then blew you off, but you can't be friends w/ someone who genuinly cares for you then fine. I can't do anything about that. it's a shame though. i am not going to argue about and I am not going to fight w/ you, but i know you probably need to get it all out of your system before you can really move on. I am the same way.
I said what I had to say. No more email. If this conversation continues, it will be by the same means that human beings have used for thousands of years. Face to face. Otherwise don't bother
My response to Jamie's very mean letter:
first of all I don't have time to respond to all of this now. second, when the hell did you ever initiate anything? i got pretty damn tired of always having to be the first one to try and have sex w/ you. I tried being w/ you on your birthday. I was goddamn fucking exhausted. the reason we were always in my room is because I got home first and was usually watching tv when you got home and of course you came in here for that. i didn't have to sleep in your room when my computer was busted. i cuddled w/ you every freakin time you were in here. if you felt that you were taking a backseat to me then you should have said something a hell of a lot sooner. maybe i just got used to the fact that i had to occupy my time and not wait around to hang out w/ you because you always had stuff to do. do you not remember the first couple of weeks we lived together? i was the one that brought up the fact that we saw eachother more before we moved in together. every time you got mad and wouldn't talk to me i went to you and asked you what was wrong. except this last time because i was over it. i know exactly when we "broke up" it was over the fucking porn search on your computer. I tried telling you i would have a problem getting over it no matter what you said because of my own shit. you never fucking fought for me. i don't know what you think you did but you didn't do anything. you didn't come after me, you didn't even want to go to a doctor, and you just shrugged off something that is a huge deal to me when you dropped the porn issue after you gave me some excuse about it being an old search. you never slept in my room either during the week. i already told you i am not going to feel awkward or like I have to hide in this apartment, if you feel the need to avoid me then you can avoid me. i'm sorry but you were pretty fucking inconsiderate that night when you went to watch the game, and i did not scream like a banshee at you. i remember barely talki ng to you and yelled over my shoulder for you to go home because you were half a block away. i never yelled at you when i got mad. you wrote the nasty emails and didnt talk to me. i love how much shit changes once someone really goes out of thier way to hurt someone or blame them.
Jamie's really mean email
Well you asked for it, so here ya go!!
You think this is about my birthday!! HAH!! We broke up weeks ago. There was a time when I think you were actually genuinely interested in being with me. But that ended quite a while back. When exactly I don't know. But when day after day, you were too tired, or too grumpy from work, or not feeling well, or to sore from working out , or too whatever to spend some quality time together, how the fuck was I supposed to respond? Time after time, I was left to twidle my thumbs because my girlfriend couldn't bring herself to be with me. You complained about me surfing porn and wackin' off? What the hell was I supposed to do when I only got to touch my girlfriend once a freakin' weak!! Did I expect our relationship to just be about sex? Of course not, but I have needs just like everyone else. Think about it. When was the last time YOU initiated any kind of intimacy? When wa s the last time YOU held MY hand? When was the last time YOU cuddled with ME? When was the last time you touched me without any kind of suggestion or direction from me? When was the last time that touched me because YOU wanted to? I mean shit, the only reason you slept in my bed was 'cause your computer was busted. I sat there at work and had to decide, "Do I stay and work some good overtime, or do I go home and spend time with Elisha?" I decided many times to pass up plenty of overtime (and the money that goes with it) so that I could spend what few hours during the night with you that I could before you had to go to bed. I came home and there was always some reason why I had to take a back seat while you surfed the net, or played the Sims, or read, or whatever. I always wanted to go do something and you always wanted to just sit around the dam house. Think about this, how nights did I spend time in you r room, and how many times did you come into mine. If I had always gone straight to my room when I got home, we would never have seen each other.
Did I EXPECT to have sex on my birthday? Not in the sense that it was required, but come on! I would think that you would have wanted to, but the fact that you didn't want to be with me on my birthday really hurt. I mean shit, it was all I could do just to get a kiss out of you that night. IT WAS MY FUCKING BRITHDAY!! I didn't want a fucking card. I didn't care about some fancy dinner. I didn't even care about going out that much. All I wanted for my birthday was YOU. Was that asking too damm much?
Ya know, something occured to me yesterday that you might want to think about. You give me all this shit, and call me immature for how I act when I get mad. Man, if that's not the pot calling the kettle black! How many times did you fly off the fucking handle when you got mad. Remember that night you got all pissed 'cause I went with Mike to watch the game instead being with you? You were fuckin' screaming like a banshee. Now most guys probably would have listened when you turned around and yelled at me to "just go home", but me, I'm stupid. See instead of getting all defensive and running away as you suggested, I took the offensive stance and got in your face about it. See if ya care about someone and want to get to know them, ya do that kind of thing. You don't run away when the tough gets going. See it's the people that are there when times are tough that matter the most in a person's life. So ask you rself, where you there whenever I got mad? See, you scream and yell when you get mad. I don't. I was never specificlly giving YOU the silent treatment. That's just how I am when I get mad. I clam up, even at work they can tell when I'm mad. It doesn't matter why, or what I'm mad about. I don't express anger very well. You complain that I didn't talk when I was mad? Well guess what, the people that mean the most to me are the ones that took the time to talk to me anyway, even though I was to mad to talk. I can't remember one time when you got in my face when I was mad. You wanted me to be there for you, but you weren't able or willing to be there for me. Communication is a two way street. Just because I'm not talking, doesn't mean you can't. Did you bother to call me when I was gone last weekend? No. That if anything sums up my point. You have to be willing to fight for someone. Sometimes, you even have to fight themselves. I fought for you. You never fought for me.
What it comes down to is really simple. You always TALKED about great I am. But you stopped ACTING like it. Talk is cheap!
Oh, and how you feel around me is not my problem anymore. You're just a roommate now. And uhh, when was the last time you talked to me? Goes both ways.
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