Monday, December 20, 2004

What would you do???

About a month ago a guest sent Katisha, Sherry, and me flowers, then she wrote a note to the GM and today I get to work and she has given us Godiva chocolates. Yum. I still feel like shit and I am the only one working tonight, besides the manager who happens to be Toufik. Yea!

I didn't get a chance to pick up the books for the book club yet. That is just going to have to wait until tomorrow.

So the plot thickens w/ Jamie. Friday I went home from work early because I felt so bad, well he had to bring me a CTA card because I used mine up on him earlier and I had no way to get home. Well he offered to bring me some food or medicine whatever I needed. I asked him to drop off some chicken noodle soup and some generic dayquil cuz I am a baby. I waited for him to show up and I thought maybe he would walk me to the train or something. I wasn't counting on it cuz he had plans w/ his family and stuff but I was just gonna see. He got to the hotel, dropped off my stuff and told me he has someone waiting for him so he had to run. Now being the unsuspecting, trustfull person I am I thought "oh it must be his brother." So he left to do that and I went home. I have this sixth sense sort of, for finding out little stuff when someone is lying to me, just ask Kyle. Or Keith, he found that out when he went fourwheeling and after he invited me, then said that I couldn't go because it was a guys only weekend and then let it slip about a month later that there was another girl there. But anyway. I was on the computer and it showed that Jamie was idle. A little bit later I was running my mouse over Kenny's name to see how long he was idle and it hit Jamie's and it said idle for 19 minutes but this was a few hours after he came to the hotel. So I was like hmmmm, that's odd, why hasn't he called me if he's at home to come over. Well 11 rolls around and he calls and says his bed is lonely and wants to know if he can come over so I say yeah. Later on I asked him what he did after he dropped my stuff off, just out of curiosity and to make conversation. He asked if I really wanted to know. I said "yeah of course" He went to take pictures for promotional information for his friends escort service!!!!!! What the hell am I supposed to say to that? I didn't really say much because we are not serious or anything and all that and the girls don't bother me. What bothered me was that he had a couple of opportunities to tell me that is what was going on. He did go to dinner w/ his family. He said he was going to tell me but he didn't want to tell me at work. And then later he said the guy called the night before when he was w/ me. Why didn't he tell me then? Why didn't he tell me when he got there? Why did I have to ask for it? And why did he ask if I really wanted to know like he didn't want to tell me? It's silly. I have a huge problem w/ lying and keeping stuff from me. Kyle used to hide so much crap from me I don't even have to try to look for stuff it just falls in my lap. Keith would say that he felt like he had to watch everything he said around me after he slipped up that the other girl went w/ them fourwheeling and that I was looking for stuff to be mad at him about. That's not it at all. I don't need to look. When someone is hiding something they always let something slip. Plus why would he need to watch what he says if he is not hiding stuff from me? (He should only be watching what he says if he is hiding stuff, and then hell yes he better be on his toes cuz I ain't stupid.) It might be 2 months later but it will happen, there's no need to look for it. Plus Jamie kept bringing it back to the girls, saying stuff like, she stayed dressed, and she wasn't that pretty. Did I ask if she kept her clothes on? Did I ask if she was pretty. He kept making it out like I was jealous of the girl. Is there a reason I should be jealous? I was just like whatever I don't care about the girl, I just don't like that you didn't tell me about it. It just made it seemed fishy. It kinda ruined the weekend. It just made me feel all the shit I went through w/ Kyle and then today when he was touching me it got on my nerves. I used to hate it when Kyle touched me. Seriously is this my life? I want a refund.

At least I got chocolates, and I got 3 checks, a check for my hours, a check for working at our sister hotel, and sick pay. Go me!!! This check was as big as my monthly checks. I am ballin!!


Blogger :D said...

Yeah I know, I already talked to him, when I did talk to him, that's when he made it more about the girl than his not telling me and it seemed like he was downplaying that fact that he didn't tell me, which was the reason I was concerned to begin w/ (does that make sense). I am not going to stop seeing him, the reason I didn't flip out is because we are just figuring things out and he can do what he wants. It just seemed fishy that's all. I think since I didn't flip out that he will feel like he doesn't have to tiptoe too much in the future, but I don't know. My feeling is that even if that person will get mad, that doesn't mean they should be lied to. My main thing is Kyle never took responsibilty for his actions.

9:55 AM  

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