Book Review: KISS MY TIARA
all in all this is a good book although i do have some pet pieves about it. first of all it seems to say girls rule and boys drool. i mean cant we pull women up w/o dragging men down. or at least the average guy down. now dragging down the old white guy that runs enron and other companies fine. i get that. and sure men and woman could both get along without each other but where's the fun in that. second there's some bad typing.imnot someone who should be bothered by bad spelling or typing however, i do not have an editor, or months to type a blog, and i dont ask money to read my blog, it's free. but when someone has an editor, months to write a book and is asking me to buy it it would be nice if i didnt have to decipher what she meant when there is a that where a than should be and vice versa. but anyway that's just me being anal. the book is very funny, and has some great ideas. and you gotta love the quotes from her grandma. i think over all the message is a good one and we all need to listen to it. but lets not get carried away with the man hating. at some point we have to stop blaming every one else for our problems and get off our asses and show them they are wrong. which the book pretty much says. and it gives advice on how to do it. i was expecting something more along the lines of wildly sophisticated than a feminist book but i am still glad i picked it up. i am definitly going to keep it around for salary negotiation strategies and the using religion our way section. definitly recommend it. oh another pet pieve- she is always say goddess knows or thank goddess instead of god knows or thank god or whatever. that gets annoying. is it really that big of a deal. i mean to me that is like people who say policewoman instead of policeman. it's just a title for a job. get over it. it doesnt matter what you are called it's the same thing. or saying waste management instead of trashman. it doesnt make the job any prettier. ok i get police officer that's fine. or like when they change words that have "man" in them to "woman" that is just silly. come on pick your battles a little better. it's like kenny's cousin. we were having a discussion about someone calling someone a name and i said it's just a word and he said well the constitution's just a bunch of words. well we as people give words meaning and emotional value. a word is just a word until link emotional value on it and we are the ones with the control to do that. i mean freedom to some is a given, something to take for granted but freedom for someone who is unjustly prosecuted means a will to live, hope, etc.we choose to make words mean more than what they should. but it's like i dont think that adding a "wo" to words is really a practicle way to fight for womens rights. let's use our energy a little better than that.
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