well i am waiting for an email from marisa. i swear it feels like i am in their relationship. they both go through me! i can understand how they would do that cuz i know both of them better than they know eachother right now and they met through me. but really i have enough on my plate with mine and keith's. but seriously marisa was saying that it's cool if we just make dinner and stay in with movies and all that she just wants me to have a good time. so that is soo sweet and thoughtful of her. sometimes i just forget that there are different people in my life. that my friends now are way more thoughtful and selfless and caring than what my "friends" back home were. i just forget sometimes. like someone will do something that someone back home would have done and it makes me think that i am too trusting and naive and that i trusted the wrong people again and i am never going to find people who care about me but in reality all i have to do is look at how they have already shown how much they care for me. and when i am in as bad of a mood as i was yesterday it's hard to remember that. and normally even if i didnt want to go out i would still go out for marisa because she has done so much for me but i was just in the worst mood and feeling so bad for myself. i owe her so much and i was just being a baby yesterday. but i am still happy we are going to stay in tonight. and be all girly. and kenny is taking me to the train station in the morning. i am so happy right now. keith is just the biggest sweetheart. he is sooo adorable and sexy and just grrrrrrrrr. he was being all bashful earlier about the things i did to him last night. lol. oh yeah. nothing too kinky. no finger up the ass or anything like that. there are just somethings i dont do. just good clean dirty fun. and he was teasing me about being picky. and it was cute. well anyway i have to go and float back in the kitchen to finish my dishes *sigh*
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