Wednesday, March 24, 2004

wait i just thought of something, maybe i will buy a convertable or crotch rocket and a laptop and tour the south and be the traveling blogger. just stay where it is warm. along the coast and just move around. i mean it's not like there is really anything here that is holding me. i love chicago but i can always come back. might as well get some adventure in now. but then again it's wouldnt be as fun by myself. i wonder if i can find anyone as lazy and unmotivated as myself to travel with. but then again i have my own income even if i dont work. what would they do. well why not go buy myself. why not go and not look back and just cruise along until my heart is content. maybe i should take this money that i am getting and go on vacation. someplace tropical and beautiful. some place so serene that it feels like everything is in slowmotion.


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