Tuesday, October 12, 2004

What a freakin rip off!!!!

Uhaul sucks donkey dick. They put me on hold 5 times and then I got this guy who got pissed because I didn't understand when he said the same thing twice and didnt explain what the fuck he was talking about in the first place. Not to mention they charge 88 dollars a day for the 10 foot truck and you can only rent it for a set time, no customization what so ever and in town rentals need to be moved in 5 hours!!! who can move in 5 hours? Not to mention it's 50 bucks per hour if you are late!!! So I am renting a truck for 88 bucks to move way the fuck up north. Plus 40 bucks a day after that if I can't move tomorrow. This is crap. This is a freakin rip off. I will not rent a truck from them ever again. I would rather buy a truck and move then rent their trucks again. I will go to any other company, but not them. It's a thousand bucks to move to florida, in 6 days!!!


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