Tuesday, July 13, 2004

ya know, this sucks, i go to bed sad and wake up seriously pissed off. it's ridiculous, and i cant remember any of my dreams all though i had a very vivd one about keith the night before last, it was crazy but the whole thing about me wanting to save him and be there for him but i couldnt so i had to get his ex wife to help him, that's not a cool dream ( it was a complicated dream but apparently her new boyfriend was evil and we were trying to set a trap for him and keith was the bait and i was supposed to come to keith's "rescue" [even though it was all planned out] with keith's guns but i couldnt find them, then i couldnt find the bullets and it was just a mess so i sent his ex in to get him. lol, it was bad) but anyway, last night i couldnt remember any dreams and i woke up with a headache, but anyway, we are on a break, the reason i go to bed upset is because i want to believe him when he says he just needs time but everyone is saying that he is getting with someone else or that i should just leave him or whatever. so i feel stupid and that him and matt are laughing at me and that i am just being a stupid girl, so anyway enough about that,

i got a work out buddy, his name is ross, he is married to a woman that lives in thailand, he says the most wonderful things about her, it's so sweet, he is a really nice guy and i am happy to meet someone that lives by me, we worked out today, and i got sick, i was so embarassed, i was kinda glad i didnt have anything to eat cuz i actually got sick (if ya know what i mean) but there was nothing in my stomach, i felt better afterwards though but before i got sick i couldnt even do shoulder presses with a three lb weight, and my arms are exhausted, we did a bootcamp class, i am going to try again on thursday, and i am going to have a bite to eat before i go and then i am going to drink tons of water too so i am not dehydrated, but then i am going to have to pee like a race horse, but that's better than being sick. ross said that i probably still have the stamina of a 180 lb girl and that makes sense, i am sure that is what it is. tomorrow we are going to do pilates, yeah!

i might have a job, i am supposed to go in tonight at 5 but they still have to call my references so i might not get it, it's a marketing job, i dont know if i will like it but it's money and i need money for school and new clothes and bills, and to hire a maid, actually in that order too. lol. that's sad. i should pay bills before i get new clothes, but anyway, i also will be doing some scouting for a modeling agency, it just pays commission, so i dont know if i will do that or not, it depends.

me, kenny, and his brother are leaving for vegas friday night, i am nervous, cuz i dont want to fly but Joseph (a guy that i talk to on the im who is a really good listener) told me to go to a health food store and get some of these pills to take, i forget the name but it starts with a v. so anyway, i am going to do that before i fly, and we are all sharing a room so that sucks, but it's way cheaper, and ross was saying that if we get double beds then they can have a roll away in there and even if we get a king size kurt and kenny are sleeping in that bed and i get the roll away, i already told them i called the floor. lol. i aint sleeping in the same bed as either one of them but apparently they only take naps anyway, mostly we are going to be doing stuff together but they are going to be going to some dance clubs and i will be back at the hotel reading a book and posting about how cool it is and then passing out!! also i know they are going to be drunk for most of it but i already decided i am not drinking while i am there, kenny said he would babysit me but first of all i dont want completely ruin my diet, at least more than it already will be but we will be walking alot so i figure that makes up for some of it, plus i just hate how i feel dehydrated when i have been drinking, plus i actually want to remember stuff and it will save me a ton of money cuz it's like i am not going to be gambling either so i wont get the free drinks. so you might be wondering why i am even going, well 1 just to go, never been, never flown anywhere, and really have only gone on one other trip with friends, when me and kyle and a couple we were friends with came up to chicago for the comicbook convention (my friend is an
AWESOME comic book artist) and we tagged along cuz it was chicago. and i know i had another reason but now i cant think of it. lol. but who needs another one. we are going to see zoomanity and amazing jonathan and rita rudner and we are going to a dueling piano bar and we get a free spa pass, so that is more than enough for me to do for saturday sunday and monday, i plan on laying out by the pool too, i will take sunscreen dont worry, and we are going to see the tigers and some flowers at bilagio so i can take pics to have stuff to draw. so i am going to be exhausted!!

oh and i forgot to mention keith complimented me last night, i said i look like a scarecrow and he said he was sure i looked good anyway, ya know...really, now he compliments me?! what's with that? i mean dont get me wrong i was on cloud nine after he said that but it's like you couldnt have done that before? oh well, i dont know what is going to happen and i signed up for a ton of shit to do so i am going to be hella busy and i am going to make a ton of new friends (hopefully)and just do stuff that i have been putting off, i am also talking to a guy about playing soccer but i dont know after today i will probably not be able to keep up, and i dont know when i would have time to do it, also there is another guy who wants someone to eat lunch with and he is down in the loop, i emailed him, and the soccer guy, i dont know i was hoping some girls would email me for my work out ad but only 2 guys did so i dont know and also i am on href="http://www.friendeaver.com">www.friendeaver.com so i am hoping to find some people to hang out with and things to do. if i dont find anythere after i have been working a bit i might try the adventure club but i will work in the evenings and saturday so i dont know when i would be able to go. especially once i start school. actually once i start school i dont know if i will have time for anything except working out, i also checked up on some people who wanted roommates and i found a couple right around here so that would be cool but i dont know i think once i start working and going to school i will be glad i dont have roommates, although the real reason i want to move is for a dishwasher and a washer and dryer, there was one girl with a three bedroom who was leaving and her roommates would probably be leaving by august 15, that would be cool cuz then i could pick my roommates and it was only for 750 a month. oh i did all of this at href="http://www.craigslist.com">but anyway i am going to go to bed now


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